Archive for the ‘The Offspring’ Category

Moods – Self-Loathing

April 30, 2008

For the most part, I like myself.  I’m a pretty decent person with a pretty decent future, and I write a pretty decent blog about music.  Who couldn’t like that?  Unfortunately folks, there’s a side of me that I just can’t stand: my musical tastes in the past.  The following playlist is not only a playlist of songs that I used to like, or that I used to own, but still own.  Do I still enjoy listening to this stuff?  In a comedic way, yes.  While assembling this list, I literally cracked up several times when thinking about how bad these songs are.  “What If?” is laughably bad, while N.E.R.D. is just downright suckage – but they all have their place in my past, in my life.  I suppose if I ever needed a reason to hate myself, this would be a good place to start.