Archive for the ‘The New Pornographers’ Category

The New Pornographers Return to Rock Band

March 13, 2009

Hey hipsters! Finally a good reason to download some songs for Rock Band. Next week’s DLC will feature two songs by The New Pornographers. The songs are:

  • “All of the Things That Go to Make Heaven and Earth”
  • “Use It”
Not too shabby there, eh? They could’ve definitely picked some worse tracks (like “Entering White Cecilia”), but then again, these songs also release along side some Papa Roach songs.
Fair trade.
For those keeping count, that brings the total New Pornographers count to a whopping 3.

The Top 31 of 2007 – #1

December 31, 2007

Cale’s Pick
Field Music: Tones of Town
Released: February 20, 2007

I mean, honestly, who didn’t expect me to pick Of Montreal for my album of the year right? I had spent more than a year raving about it being the best Of Montreal album ever, and I’ve gone on the record several times stating that Of Montreal is my favorite band. To have them at #2, well that must have thrown all of you off!

But at the end of the day (or year, I suppose) there was only one album this year that I would consider completely perfect, one that I wouldn’t change a single thing on if I were given the opportunity. That album is Tones of Town by Field Music. (Who? Shame on you!) I was instantly captivated when I first discovered this album while taking a 45 minute drive alone on a dark night back in January. Every song from, “A House is Not a Home” to “Working to Work” is a wonderful example of not only how music should sound, but how it should be made, how it should feel, and how it should affect you. The level of musicianship on Tones of Town is absolutely phenomenal. It’s pop music, with violins and cellos, pianos, guitars, pristine vocals, and hints of Queen-esque intrumental flourishes. It is smart, coy, clever, and innocent; sometimes all in the same line. Gentle harmonies of genuine lyrics sweep delicately over meticulously constructed instrumentation with little to no effort at all. It is, again, a truly perfect album. So perfect that even on my worst days I cannot bring myself to skip over a single track. So perfect that when it finally ends, it’s a struggle for me to not let it begin playing all over again and again and again.

The appeal of Tones of Town is only heightened by the notion that it may be the last album that Field Music ever makes. The members of the band put the project on haitus for an indefinite amount of time, which is to say they’ve probably called it quits. But as it stands, they will forever be remembered, by me at least, for this tremendous achievement. Tones of Town is a must-hear, a must-own, and anyone who disagrees should kindly disappear from the face of planet earth.

It is perfect, and therefore it is the only reasonable choice for my #1 album of 2007!

The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #1
“Challengers” by The New Pornographers, from the album, Challengers.
Jill’s Pick
Rufus Wainwright: Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall
Released: December 4, 2007
Actually, I think the title of this album has a lot of exclamation points in it. Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy! I’m the kind of girl that likes exclamation points, but for the sake of my sanity, I’m going with the title I’ve given it.

I am not a Rufus Wainwright fan. I never have been. There’s just been nothing impressive about him to me until recently when he decided to pay tribute to Judy Garland by recreating her famous (infamous?) Carnegie Hall concert from 1961. And really, who doesn’t like Judy Garland? That concert was epic because she wasn’t 100% on her game, she seemed drunk or high or both the entire time, and while some of those songs really suffered from her being off-key, she really put her heart into it. It is, without a doubt, the best Judy Garland show ever. This concert was epic because Rufus Wainwright really paid tribute to his hero: from the title, to the posters, to the way the stage was set up, to the 36 piece orchestra, to following the exact same set-list as the original concert. He even went as far as inserting his own anecdotes in the same places Judy inserted hers.
Judy wasn’t 100% in 1961 and Rufus wasn’t 100% in 2006, but you can tell he adores her just by the way this tribute concert sounds. I have a soft spot in my heart for old standards, so this is fantastic for me; I’m constantly passing off mixes with standards on them trying to expose people to that kind of music. Rufus Wainwright has a huge fan base and by going this direction, he’s brought them back for an audience that maybe hasn’t heard them yet. (Or has and never paid attention to them because of what they are.)

Even though this album only just came out, I’ve listened to it about 50 times. It’s a nice album to bake to. (Holiday cookies anyone?) And yes, you will find me singing along.

Oh. Skip “The Man That Got Away”. She couldn’t do the whole long holding note thing and neither could he.

My most favorite track on the whole thing: “Who Cares? (So Long As You Care For Me)”

Songs you really, really, really should hear (really):
–“Almost Like Being In Love/This Can’t Be Love”
–“Just You, Just Me”
–“Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart”
–“Swanee “
–“Who Cares? (So Long As You Care For Me) “
–“Do It Again”
–“You Go To My Head”
–“If Love Were All”

The Top 31 of 2007 – #7

December 26, 2007

Cale’s Pick
The New Pornographers: Challengers
Released: August 21, 2007

My initial review of Challengers was a bit harsh in places. As it turns out, the more I listened to the album, the more its greatness dawned on me. It is, in my opinion, just as strong, or better than, Twin Cinema. The band spends a lot of time keeping the tempo up on their previous album. Just when you want it to calm down for a track or two, it kicks you in the groin, tells you to “man the hell up” and continues in its power-pop ways. And it is a great album! But Challengers is different, and perhaps that’s why it just seemed a bit off to me at first. The big difference is that Challengers isn’t afraid to take a breath every now and then. In fact, much of the album is spent on songs that don’t pack the punch of Sing Me Spanish Techno” or “All of the Things That Go to Make Heaven and Earth.” In the end, I can’t be disappointed in such a thing. The band is showing me a side of themselves that they’ve shyed away from in the past. So while “The Spirit of Giving” or “Unguided” is unbelievably jarring the first time you hear it, it’s ultimately a better song than you would have anticipated because it’s something new from a band that has relied heavily on the exact opposite sound for years. Challengers is challenging. But once you give it an honest shot, it’s hard to walk away disappointed.

For giving more than I expected, The New Pornographers land in the #7 spot on my list.

The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #8
“Phantom Limb” by The Shins, from the album, Wincing the Night Away.

Jill’s Pick
Hairspray: Soundtrack to the Motion Picture
Released: July 10, 2007

Quite simply: there is no way for me to avoid the happiness I seem to feel from listening to the soundtrack for (the latest version of) the movie Hairspray.
My favorite track: “(You’re) Timeless To Me” (John Travolta and Christopher Walken)
Songs you should give a listen to:
–“(You’re) Timeless To Me”
–“I Can Hear the Bells”
–“(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs”
–“I Know Where I’ve Been” (Queen Latifah)
–“Without Love” (Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Elijah Kelly And Amanda Bynes)
–“You Can’t Stop the Beat” (Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes, Elijah Kelly, John Travolta And Queen Latifah)

Last Day to Vote for the 4th Annual Cale Awards!!

December 20, 2007

It’s the home stretch. Today is the final day to vote for your favorite and least favorite music of 2007 in the 4th Annual Cale Awards. For this final day, I’ve decided to bring all the polls here to the main page. Voting will only takes a 1-2 minutes, and seriously, is there anything better for you to be doing right now? I didn’t think so.

Below are the categories in which you may vote. I’ve ordered the categories by vote count, so those that have less votes overall will come first. You know, just to get a larger sample of things. That means the larger categories like Album of the Year or Band of the Year, are towards the bottom. Please vote if you have not yet done so.

Winners will be announced Monday, December 24th.

The Polls are closed. Thanks for voting. Come back Monday, December 24th to see who wins!

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

November 24, 2007

I hope everyone in the United States had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For those of you who don’t celebrate the holiday, don’t worry. I ate enough to cover you!

If you have yet to vote in the Cale Awards, please do so. I need you. You complete me. Also, next week is the last full week of normal things around here. Starting December 1st, we’ll begin counting down the Top 31 Songs and Albums of 2007 every day for the whole month! I say “we” because a new writer will graciously be lending her talents to Audio Overflow soon. Her name is Jill, and hopefully she’ll be able to bring some new insights and opinions to the site. I would say “welcome her,” but you folks never leave comments anyways.

Look forward to a huge, monumental review next week and your normal features. The Top 31 Countdown begins a week from today!

Top 5 Albums Under $10 on

November 23, 2007

It’s Black Friday, folks! That means one of two things: 1.) you’re an idiot and you’re probably standing in long lines freezing your extremities off, or 2.) you’re a rational human being and you decided to be more productive with your time (that includes sleeping in). Me? I’m at work. And if I’m at work on a Friday, that can only mean that it’s time for another Top 5 Friday! Staying with the spirit of Black Friday, today’s list is the Top 5 Albums Under $10 on If you have a hipster on your holiday shopping list, you may want to perk up for a few minutes. These are some albums that I highly recommend!

#5: The Pipettes: We Are the Pipettes ($9.98) – If the hipster on your list is a 16-year old girl, or a horny 14-year old boy, you can’t go wrong with The Pipettes. Of course, they could also just be a fan of Motown and classic pop music. Whatever profile your hipster fits, The Pipettes are sure to please. These 3 British beauties will sing their way into that part of your mind where songs go to become annoyingly catchy. You know, the place where you can’t get them out of your head even if you try. It’s kind of a good thing, unless you’re trying to fall asleep. Then you want nothing more than to take the CD and stick it in the microwave…which is also cool!

#4: The New Pornographers: Challengers ($9.97) – In terms of musicianship, lyricism, and overall likability; no one outdoes The New Pornographers. Their newest album, Challengers, may not be as immediately enthralling as their previous albums, but it is just as amazing! Neko Case and A.C. Newman will pull at your heartstrings with their back-and-forth vocals while Dan Bejar provides more WTF-inducing moments than any other artist in recent memory. The rest of the band ain’t too shabby either. While the drumming (or music in general) isn’t near as forceful as it was on Twin Cinema, each member of this band plays their part to perfection. The end result is a fantastic assortment of indie rock and power pop that anybody will enjoy!

#3: Of Montreal: Satanic Panic in the Attic ($9.97) – I’m well aware of the fact that most Of Montreal “fans” have yet to listen to any of the band’s pre-Sunlandic Twins albums. Idiots! Satanic Panic in the Attic is not only the best album in Of Montreal’s expansive catalog (arguably), but it’s one of the best indie pop/rock records of the last decade! The band only flirts with electronics here, as opposed to the hot and heavy make-out sessions found on their previous two albums. “Disconnect the Dots” is a clear segue to their new sound, but the rest of the album is a masterpiece of indie rock. Songs range from bizarre sing-alongs (“Rapture Rapes the Muses”) to guitar-heavy retro rockers (“Vegan in Furs”). The bottom line is, buy it!

#2: LCD Soundsystem: Sound of Silver ($7.99) – It’s nominated for a few Cale Awards for a reason folks. And while it may be a bit behind the competition at this point, LCD Soundsystem’s second album was one of 2007’s biggest and best surprises. James Murphy not only refined his sound, but he improved upon it, giving us all something that we can dance to without feeling like a mindless clubber. It’s smart, witty, sometimes insightful, but always enjoyable, and something that anybody with a penchant for dancing will enjoy! Plus, it’s only $8.

#1: Band of Horses: Cease to Begin ($8.99) – One of 2007’s best indie rock albums is also one of the cheapest! People may have given it a hard time for sounding exactly like their last album, but I’ve never heard that one, so I’m still loving the hell out of Cease to Begin. The great thing about this one is that anyone can enjoy it. It’s been out for over a month, and I have yet to talk to someone who outright hates it. Even my dad likes it! Usually he’s morally opposed to anything that doesn’t have the name “Jesus” in the title. Not so with Band of Horses. If you’ve got someone on your list that listens to real music (not Britney Spears or Nickelback), you can’t go wrong with this one. Guaranteed!

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

November 10, 2007

This week, I’ve decided to group news by category. Maybe I’ll do it this way from now on. Who knows?



Tour Dates


Meh, I don’t like it.

Video of the Week – Week 44

November 7, 2007

The New Pornographers – “Challengers” from the album Challengers.

The Top 5 Live Acts I’ve Ever Seen!

November 2, 2007

For the most part, there are a lot of awesome artists that I need to see live; Radiohead, The Decemberists, Joanna Newsom, Bright Eyes, you know, stuff like that. That’s the biggest problem with living in Houston (aside from, say, the traffic), even though it’s the 4th largest city in the nation, it’s a crap music city! As such, a lot of the better indie acts avoid it like the plague. It’s not all doom and gloom though. I can still get out there and see a show and enjoy myself, and then go on to make a list based on my experience. That’s why I’m bringing this list to you today. Please enjoy the Top 5 Live Acts I’ve Ever Seen!

#5: The Shins – Generally speaking, The Shins aren’t the most entertaining bands to watch. They don’t writhe on the floor in extended rock-out sessions or wear funny costumes, nor do they have zany homade instruments and confetti cannons. What makes them such a great live act is the fact that they sound almost exactly like they do on their albums, if not better! Everything you could ever hope for in a Shins show is pretty much given to you without question. Let’s face it, when you go to a Shins show, you don’t want a bunch of distractions. You just want to jam to their music and have it be perfect. And it is! That’s why they made it to #5 on my list. Read a review of my Shins show experience here.

#4: Of Montreal – I’ve seen Of Montreal twice already, and if I didn’t have to work tonight I’d be seeing them again (they’re playing in Houston again). What makes Of Montreal such a great live band really lies in trial and error I would assume. The band spends probably about 85% of any given year on the road, bringing their indie pop masterpieces to the fans. So you’d have to think that the reason they’re so good live is because they do it enough to to know what works and what doesn’t. One thing is for sure, Kevin Barnes and Co. know how to get the crowd pumped. Sometimes that means just playing really well, other times that means performing in the nude. Of Montreal will do whatever it takes to get you moving and enjoying their songs, including selling their song to Outback Steakhouse. That kind of devotion to the fans really comes through in a live setting. Read a review of one of my Of Montreal show experiences here.

#3: The New Pornographers – I’ve been thinking about doing this list for awhile, but I had to wait until today to do it. The reason for that is because I just saw The New Pornographers last night for the first time, and I had a pretty good idea that this list would be incomplete without them. Turns out I was right! The New Pornographers put on one of the most flawless shows I’ve ever seen last night, complete with driving energy, flawless harmonies, and even a few surprising moments courtesy of Dan Bejar. I have a pretty good feeling that I may have been the only person at the show last night that would put them so high up on my list, but my expecations for the band were huge and they delivered well above what I expected. The band didn’t spend a lot of time mingling with the crowd, but they didn’t have a lot of time to. They used what time they had wisely, playing their strongest songs from their best albums. It was awesome and I’ll definitely be in the front row they next time they swing by. Read a review of my New Pornographers show experience here.

#2: Sufjan Stevens – When it comes to delivering a flawless musical experience in a live setting, no one I’ve seen has done it better than Sufjan Stevens. When he came to Dallas last year, he brought along a mini orchestra and his usual pack of noisemakers to deliver one of the most awe-inspiring nights of my life! Every note he played on piano, banjo, or guitar was perfect and his voice was just as flawless! He seems a bit awkward on stage, like he doesn’t know why he’s there but he’s going with the flow anyways. Of course, when you’re wearing plastic eagle wings on your back, that might just be an expected side-effect. Add in the fact that Shara Worden was there lending a helping hand and just being adorable, and you have an amazing show! I’ve already said that the next time he comes around that I’m scooping up tickets for everyone I know, but I may take it a step further and buy them for complete strangers as well. It’s that important. Read a poorly-written review of my Sufjan show experience here.

#1: The Flaming Lips – At this point, I’m not entirely sure that anything short of a Radiohead concert could top my experience seeing The Flaming Lips just over a month ago. Wayne Coyne can’t really carry a tune all that well, but for every missed, cracked note that came from his mouth there were about 30 giant balloons and 800 pounds of confetti. The Lips sure know how to put on a show! From the first note they played to the time they walked off the stage, I was never bored, I never even wanted to leave (a rare thing for me). Every moment, every second was exciting and enthralling. The band really knows how to connect to their fans too, as Wayne would stop and just talk to us for a few minutes in between songs or lead us in explicative cheers! It was the absolute best show I’ve ever seen, without question. Make it a point to see them if you have the chance. There’s no way you’ll regret it! Read about my Flaming Lips show experience here.

11/1/07: The New Pornograhers and Spoon – Houston, TX

November 2, 2007

Technically, Spoon was the headliner last night. They played last, played more songs than any of the other acts, and even did an encore. But if you ask me, The New Pornographers stole the show last night. Of course, if you were to ask me who I showed up to see, I wouldn’t tell you I was there to see Spoon. Hell, I don’t even like Spoon that much. But November 1, 2007 was a great night even if The New Pornographers weren’t the headliners.

The evening began with the real opening act, Emma Pollock. This Scottish singer used to front the band Delgados, but she has since become a rather decent solo artist. This was my first time hearing her material, and I have to admit that I was very impressed with what I heard. She has a thick Scottish accent when in conversation, but it doesn’t come through at all when she’s singing (and her voice is just great!). Her new album is entitled Watch the Fireworks, and is available now. Last night was also her first encounter with Shiner Bock, and in her words, “It gets a thumbs up from me and the guy in the front row.” Good for her!

After about 25 minutes of waiting, The New Pornographers hit the stage (yay!). They opened with “All of the Things That Go to Make Heaven and Earth,” a perfect selection. The band played with such energy, that it was absolutely impossible to not get into it. Carl Newman and Neko Case sounded absolutely perfect together, and Katheryn Caler held her own with equally impressive vocals.
I was surprised to see every member of the band there, since the word on the street is that they don’t often all tour together. Dan Bejar even made an appearance, though he only came on stage for the songs in which he lends his vocals (“Myriad Harbor,” “Jackie Dressed In Cobras,” and “Spirit of Giving”). On that note, I was really surprised to find that the song that moved me the most was not “Challengers” but “Spirit of Giving.” Say what you want about Bejar’s voice and style, but he totally nailed the song, and hearing Neko, Carl, and Katheryn singing harmony to Bejar’s voice was absolutely breathtaking! All but two of the band’s songs were from Twin Cinema or Challengers, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
And then I was ready to go. But alas, I was right against the stage and there was a sea of people behind me. Plus, I kinda wanted to hear a few of the better Spoon songs. So I stuck it out. I’m proud of me.
The band played with a lot of energy and Britt Daniel’s voice is just as perfect as it is on the band’s albums. The band was kind enough to set up a keyboard directly in front of me, really obstructing my view and ruining my chances of getting some decent pictures. My favorite song of the night was “Don’t Make Me a Target,” as the band just completely let loose. At one point Britt was screaming into the mic, “No don’t make me a target!” and I was just blown away by how effective it was.
The show was not without it’s share of surprises, however. “The Ghost of You Lingers” was surprisingly cool despite the fact that it’s a terrible song in a non-live setting. All of the cool effects that are all over the song sounded 5x as cool live. At one point, a thumping, vibrating bass crescendoed and shook the entire building. It was awesome. Also awesome and unexpected was Dan Bejar joining the band to sing one of his songs. Britt requested that someone put a video of it on YouTube so that he could watch it today, but I haven’t found it yet. Keep an eye out for it though, because it was a sweet surprise.
Overall, it was a fantastic night. Emma Pollock was terrific, The New Pornographers were everything I would hope they would be, and Spoon was surprisingly entertaining for most of their set. If you happen to be in the Dallas area tonight, you better have tickets, as it’s the only other time these two huge bands will be together (possibly ev0rz!). For more pictures from this show (I believe I have around 80). Check back a little later and I’ll post a link to where you can get some full sized pictures. Peace out!