Archive for the ‘The Mars Volta’ Category

The Top 50 Albums of the Decade

January 28, 2010

The past decade has been good to us, beginning with the question that prelude’s every decade:  what music will define this decade?  For me, the 2000s were absolutely the decade for indie rock!  I’m not alone in this thought either.  The genre exploded into mainstream consciousness over the course of the last 10 years, thanks in large part to the internet, iPods, and digital music in general.  I probably consumed more music in a single year of this decade than I had in all my years prior to it!

But the list below isn’t just a list of indie music.  It is simply a list of my favorite albums, and the memories that each one of them bring to mind.  I hope you find some enjoyment in my reflections on the greatest decade I’ve yet to live through, and I hope that this next 10 years is just as kind to us.


#50. The Elected: Sun, Sun, Sun (2006)
One-Liner: A charming, if not perfect, road trip album.

Life-Defining Moment: The only memory I have in my head currently, is driving down Hanna Rd. on my way home from work, shortly after picking up Sun, Sun, Sun. I wasn’t all that into it. Then Blake Sennett sings, “Your check’s signed in diapering ink,” on “Fireflies in a Steel Mill.” The band kicks in, the drums start up, and suddenly, I’m enlightened or changed in some small insignificant way.

Best Song: “Fireflies in a Steel Mill”

#49. Metric: Old World Underground, Where Are You Now? (2003)
One-Liner: The first Metric album I ever heard, and still their best.

Life-Defining Moment: I think it was 2004 when I first listened to Metric, so there are a lot of memories here. The first one that pops into my head is driving around with my friend and his girlfriend, trying to get her to appreciate indie music. Metric was my way in. And while she acknowledged the awesomeness of this album, I don’t think she ever crossed over. Her loss.

Best Song: “Succexy”

#48. St. Vincent: Actor (2009)
One-Liner: One of the strongest female solo albums of the last decade, though not as memorable as her first.

Life-Defining Moment: Having been released within the last 12 months, there are too many moments still floating around in my head (I just listened to this 4 days ago). But the coolest Actor-related moment for me was seeing the video to “Actor Out of Work.” It was upon viewing it that I officially fell in love with Annie Clark. xoxoxo –Just kidding.

Best Song: “Actor Out of Work”

#47. Bjork: Medulla (2004)
One-Liner: An album that completely changed what I thought about music.

Life-Defining Moment: I was going to school in Dallas at the time Medulla came out. I remember putting this CD in my old-school Xbox and watching the visualizations as I got lost in the complexity of it all. It is an album featuring only the human voice (mostly), for those of you not in the know, and was the first full Bjork album I ever heard.

Best Song: “Where is the Line?”

#46. Headlights: Kill Them With Kindness (2006)
One-Liner: An unfocused, but relentlessly charming debut album.

Life-Defining Moment: I got a copy of this album by renewing my subscription to Under the Radar magazine. I remember opening the package and being disappointed by the CD they ended up sending me. As it turns out, it was probably the best option.

Best Song: “Songy Darko”

#45. The Streets: The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living ( 2006)
One-Liner: Mike Skinner’s most commercial, and coincidentally, solid Streets album.

Life-Defining Moment: My sister was dating a guy named Mitch at the time of this album’s release. He mentioned The Streets to me one day, and I responded with a “Meh, I don’t really like it.” But for some reason, I downloaded it anyway. And I loved it! It was one of the first albums I ever reviewed on Audio Overflow (it wasn’t even called Audio Overflow at the time), and I still think of it fondly.

Best Song: “Prangin’ Out”

#44. The Honorary Title: Anything Else but the Truth (2004)
One-Liner: A random purchase gone well.

Life-Defining Moment: In 2004, I was trolling Best Buy with a friend, looking for a random CD to buy. I did this from time to time, based solely on album covers. It just so happened that Anything Else but the Truth has an awesome cover. So I picked it up, listened to it, made fun of it, and discarded it. It wasn’t until a week later that I gave it a serious listen and discovered how awesome of an album it was.

Best Song: “Revealing Too Much”

#43. Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins (2005)
One-Liner: The CD that changed everything.

Life-Defining Moment: I’m at Jeremy’s house one night, and we’re all hanging out. In walks Nathan, who I introduced to Of Montreal a month earlier with their 2001 album, Coquelicot. I’m eager to show him the new CD, so I put in Sunlandic Twins and wait to see everyone’s reactions. I remember how cool it seemed at the time. Now, it’s more tired than anything else. Still solid though.

Best Song: “The Party’s Crashing Us”

#42. Justice: ✝ (2007)
One-Liner: The best pure electronic album of the decade

Life-Defining Moment: I don’t know what I was expecting when I downloaded ✝ for the first time, I just know it couldn’t have been what I got. All I know is, I was reading the review on Pitchfork, and the next thing I know I’m downloading it. A few minutes later, I’m completely entranced. A few years later, nothing has changed.

Best Song: “D.A.N.C.E.”

#41. Band of Horses: Cease to Begin (2007)
One-Liner: A stereotypical indie rock band makes a not-so-stereotypical album.

Life-Defining Moment: You know that moment in “Is there a Ghost” when all the electric guitars and drums kick in? Yeah…

Best Song: “The General Specific”

#40. Rooney: Rooney (2003)
One-Liner: Definitely the best summer album of the decade.

Life-Defining Moment: I remember leaving Best Buy after purchasing this CD and showing it off to my friend, Josh. He didn’t get it, but I was loving every second of it.

Best Song: “Daisy Duke”

#39. Bright Eyes: I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning (2005)
One-Liner: Oberst’s most-solemn and touching record to date.

Life-Defining Moment: Driving with a lot of the same friends mentioned in #43, this time through west Texas, blaring “Road to Joy” through my tiny truck speakers.

Best Song: “Landlocked Blues”

#38. The Killers: Hot Fuss (2004)
One-Liner: The only great thing this band has ever done, and a game-changer for me, musically.

Life-Defining Moment: I couldn’t sleep. I turned on the TV at 5am. MTV. The video for “Somebody Told Me” is on. I wait until 10am, go to Best Buy and buy the whole album. Sometimes you just know.

Best Song: “Mr. Brightside”

#37. Stars: Set Yourself on Fire (2004)
One-Liner: The album that began my formal obsession with pop music.

Life-Defining Moment: I was working at a desk in 2004, listening to internet radio. and “Elevator Love Song” (a track from another Stars album) came on. I loved it, so I went to my local record store to pick up a copy. They didn’t have one…but they did have this one.

Best Song: “Your Ex-Lover is Dead”

#36. The Decemberists: The Crane Wife (2006)
One-Liner: Meloy flexes his storytelling skills for the band’s first all-the-way-through great album.

Life-Defining Moment: When this album came out, I used to play it on my iPod at work over the PA system all day. There’s nothing like rocking out to track 2 while doing menial tasks for money.

Best Song: “The Crane Wife 3”

#35. The Mars Volta: De-Loused in the Comatorium (2003)
One-Liner: It made progressive rock cool again…if only for a little while.

Life-Defining Moment: Driving around the summer of 2004 with my somewhat-significant other (too complicated for words, really), air drumming, singing, and other sad forms of rocking out. All this while driving, mind you. Specifically, driving with her and her brother on the way back from Conroe.

Best Song: “Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt”

#34. Of Montreal: Skeletal Lamping (2008)
One-Liner: Possibly Of Montreal’s weirdest album to date…also one of their best.

Life-Defining Moment: Driving to my new job Monday through Friday at 6:45am. This album was playing every day on my recently-stolen 3rd Gen iPod nano, and I just let it loop over and over again. After 2 months I moved on to Crystal Castles…I don’t see that on this list. Do you?

Best Song: “Triphallus, to Punctuate!”

#33. Rilo Kiley: Take Offs and Landings (2001)
One-Liner: Rilo Kiley’s proper debut, and the only one that wasn’t a subsequent disappointment.

Life-Defining Moment: Driving in the fall of 2004 with a friend in the Dallas area. I had just picked up this CD from the old Virgin Megastore (RIP) and put it in my stereo. The girl is I’m with is upset. She doesn’t want to listen to it (she probably wanted to listen to something way worse, they do that you know?). But then “Science vs. Romance” starts playing and, oh, this CD is actually really good. We listen to the whole CD, and she deals with it, because – hey – she likes it now too!

Best Song: “Science vs. Romance”

#32. St. Vincent: Marry Me (2007)
One-Liner: St. Vincent’s first album is a classic, and beautiful album.

Life-Defining Moment: Showing the CD artwork to my dad after I bought this CD, he made a face – a not-pleasant face. Perfectly understandable, considering the cover, but a classic response.

Best Song: “Paris is Burning”

#31. Incubus: Morning View (2001)
One-Liner: In the 9 years since the release of this album, the band has yet to make something anywhere near this good.

Life-Defining Moment: I was sitting in the high school cafeteria, debating the awesomeness of Incubus with a friend. He insisted that they were not that good. Then Morning View came out. I think he still calls them his favorite band to this day.

Best Song: “11am”

#30. Vampire Weekend: Vampire Weekend (2008)
One-Liner: An instantly charming, and relentlessly playable album.

Life-Defining Moment: My dad, again, thought to tear into the song “Mansard Roof” by describing the drums as “Ricky Ricardo, Babaloo” drums.

Best Song: “Oxford Comma”

#29. Wallpaper: Doodoo Face (2009)
One-Liner: A hilarious, catchy, and technically advanced pop album.

Life-Defining Moment: The first time I listened to the song, “Doodoo Face,” I was driving to work at 5:30am and I literally burst out laughing when Ricky Reed says “Dang, you nasty/ You smelling like soccer practice!”

Best Song: “I Ain’t Most Dudes”

#28. Mates of State: Team Boo (2003)
One-Liner: An insanely fast-paced, audibly jarring pop album that is equal parts love and mania.

Life-Defining Moment: I wasn’t too familiar with this album when I bought it way back in 2004 or 2005. But I wanted it, so I bought it. Driving home from the store, I put it in my CD, not really knowing what to expect entirely. “Ha Ha” is one of the best album-openers of the decade and instantly made me a fan of Mates of State!

Best Song: “Fluke”

#27. Sigur Ros: ( ) (2002)
One-Liner: A great, if not top-heavy album that may just be the best album of all time.

Life-Defining Moment: Well, obviously not, but let me explain the statement. I was driving with two girls in 2004 when they asked me what the best CD ever was, and I responded with ( ). Why? Because it’s in a made-up language, and is just as great to me as it is to someone in Uruguay or Japan! It is an album whose language is not a hindrance, but a doorway. And it’s beautiful!

Best Song: “Untitled Track 4”

#26. Dirty Projectors: Bitte Orca (2009)
One-Liner: The only DP album I’ve ever heard, and it’s so good I’m kinda scared to continue on.

Life-Defining Moment: Going on a weekend trip with a friend, we listened to this album in its entire. I’m not sure why that memory is the one that sticks out, but it WAS a pretty good weekend.

Best Song: “Temecula Sunrise”

#25. Death Cab for Cutie: Narrow Stairs (2008)
One-Liner: Ok, in my opinion, it’s their best album

Life-Defining Moment: I equate this song with work, because at the time of its release I loaded every song on my iPod and played that shit at work like crazy. Just ask Ben, he’ll tell you!

Best Song: “Grapevine Fires”

#24. Pop Levi: Never Never Love (2008)
One-Liner: The best male pop album of the decade? Hmmm….YES!

Life-Defining Moment: I always forget how awesome this album is until I listen to it. “Fountain of Lies” is one song that brings back a particular memory. Driving – as always – to work, though this time to my new job, it was my first day. “Fountain of Lies” begins playing, and I’m singing along as I’m pulling into the parking lot, completely oblivious to my surroundings. It eased my first-day jitters and became a perennial favorite at the same time!

Best Song: “Dita Dimone”

#23. Loney, Dear: Loney, Noir (2007)
One-Liner: A CD so sweet and wide-eyed that it made me an instant fan.

Life-Defining Moment: I was going to the movies with friends, and I was playing “No One Can Win.” Most people weren’t paying attention, but one guy said “Hey this sounds like The Beatles.” I really didn’t hear it, but I’m glad he did. He still listens to Loney, Dear.

Best Song: “No One Can Win”

#22. Zero 7: The Garden (2006)
One-Liner: A jazzy electronic album with wonderful vocalists.

Life-Defining Moment: Remember my dad? Yeah, this is probably the only CD I’ve ever shown him that he’s actually enjoyed. You just can’t beat the duo of Jose Gonzalez and Sia!

Best Song: “Crosses”

#21. Joanna Newsom: Ys (2006)
One-Liner: The album that completely changed my opinion of Ms. Newsom.

Life-Defining Moment: How bout a collection of moments? For some reason, every time the first cold of winter sweeps into Texas, I have this unexplainable urge to listen to Ys. 2006, 2007, 2008, and yes, even 2009 have been filled with Newsom. Not that it’s a wintery album, I just equate it with winter at this point.

Best Song: “Emily”

#20. The Wrens: Meadowlands (2003)
One-Liner: An album that’s depressing, but strangely hopeful at the same time.

Life-Defining Moment: I tried to cover “She Sends Kisses” back in 2006 with Fruity Loops. The result was decent, but you simply can’t recreate the raw energy and power of the song’s climax with software. Certainly not Fruity Loops. It never saw the light of day and is now lost forever. Good.

Best Song: “She Sends Kisses”

#19. Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP (2000)
One-Liner: The best rap album of the last decade, and the last GREAT album that Eminem made.

Life-Defining Moment: I remember waiting the “Making the Video” of “The Real Slim Shady” on MTV when I was a sophomore in high school. At the time, I was familiar with Eminem, but I was never really a fan. But the video was hilarious, the music was fresh, and Eminem as a person was also kind of funny. It hooked me, and I ended up listening to this album for years.

Best Song: “Kill You”

#18. Bon Iver: For Emma, Forever Ago (2008)
One-Liner: A cold, heartbreaking, and reflective album that never tires.

Life-Defining Moment: I didn’t get around to listening to Bon Iver for a year and a half after its official release. I got an email from an old friend who complemented me on my blog and said “I’m so behind on music, I’m just now getting to Bon Iver.” And my thought was…who? I downloaded the album and have since listened to it on almost a weekly basis. It is beautiful in so many ways, and I relate to it wholly.

Best Song: “For Emma”

#17. The Decemberists: The Hazards of Love (2009)
One-Liner: The pinnacle of Colin Meloy’s storytelling.

Life-Defining Moment: My life-defining moment for this album was seeing it performed live in its entirety back in October 2009. The Decemberists sounded spot on, and seeing Shara Worden play the Queen in person was just as shocking and eerie as it is on the album! It’s something that I’m glad I got to witness, and years from now if people are still discovering this album, I’ll be happy to know that I lucked out.

Best Song: “The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned)”

#16. Of Montreal: Hissing Fauna Are You the Destroyer? (2007)
One-Liner: One of Of Montreal’s most-accomplished albums, and the one that lived up to the expectations following the commercial success of The Sunlandic Twins.

Life-Defining Moment: I first listened to this album in September of 2006 (it leaked waaaay early) and by the time it finally released in January of 2007 I had logged in several dozen listens. I remember thinking, as I would later write in my review, about how the album managed to capture both the zany Of Montreal of old and the new, radio-friendly pop band that they had become. Many consider this to be the band’s masterpiece, and they may be right.

Best Song: “Faberge Falls for Shuggie”

#15. Cursive: Happy Hollow (2006)
One-Liner: An emotional torrent of anti-religion, anti-government rock music.

Life-Defining Moment: Happy Hollow released at a time in my life when I was starting to rethink the way I was raised. Because of this, the album’s rebellious tone struck a huge chord with me (and probably explains why it is so high up on this list). Tim Kasher’s biting commentary on organized religion, war, politics, and relationships completely validated all of the thoughts that were going through my head and gave me a reason to not doubt myself. Despite the harsh tone of much of the album, the end message is clear: live your life to the fullest and don’t be held back by the constructs society may put in your path. For me, at that time of my life, and even now, that speaks to me.

Best Song: “Big Bang”

#14. The Flaming Lips: At War with the Mystics (2006)
One-Liner: An underrated album that finds The Lips at the height of their relativeness.

Life-Defining Moment: Again, my life defining moment for this album is seeing the band perform most of it live in September 2007! It, to this day, remains the most amazing live show I’ve seen and I have serious doubts about any band being able to top that. If I had to narrow down a moment which was particularly enjoyable, it would be Wayne getting the crowd to chant “FUCK!” on “Free Radicals.” That, or him screaming “C’mon motherfuckers!” while spraying the crowd with his stage fog gun.

Best Song: “Yeah Yeah Yeah Song”

#13. The Unicorns: Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone (2003)
One-Liner: A flash of brilliant indie-pop/rock, accentuated by the sudden break up of the band that created it.

Life-Defining Moment: The first time I had ever heard The Unicorns was in early 2004, just as I was starting to discover indie music in general. As such, they had a huge impact on my perception of music and the acceptance of indie music. A moment that stands out in my mind was having the opportunity to see the band perform live in my hometown of Houston, TX in 2004, only to pass on the chance. It was the last show the band ever performed, and I’ve never forgiven myself. They are, and always will be, the most heartbreaking break-up of this wonderful decade.

Best Song: “Ghost Mountain”

#12. Loney, Dear: Dear John (2009)
One-Liner: An emotionally deep album, and one of the best male solo albums of the decade.

Life-Defining Moment: The moment that changed my outlook on the album was the first time I heard “Harm/Slow” and really listened to the lyrics. For me, the song is so bleak and depressing that it completely transformed the album from something that was dark, sure, but still kinda hopeful; to an album that is all darkness and no light.

Best Song: “Everything Turns to You”

#11. The New Pornographers: Twin Cinema (2005)
One-Liner: Indie power-pop at its best and most rambunctious.

Life-Defining Moment: I had never listened to this album before, but my wallet was just begging to be opened and my ears begging for new music. I had read about Twin Cinema and how great it is was, and about The New Pornographers (who I had never heard before) so I decided to get it. Boy was I in for a surprise! I got into my vehicle and cranked it, jamming out to it for weeks. It is a perfect album, and one I’m a little disappointed didn’t make it to the top 10, frankly.

Best Song: “Sing Me Spanish Techno”

#10. The Mars Volta: Frances the Mute (2005)
One-Liner: A sophomore album so dense and complex that it requires you to listen to it again and again.

Life-Defining Moment: “Dude, the new Mars Volta just leaked!” “No way, which site are you on?….Cool I’m going there!” It’s downloading right now!” “Mine too.” It finished!!” “Lucky!” “I don’t know this first track is starting off pretty slo….WHOAH!”

Best Song: “Cygnus….Vismund Cignus”

#9. Muse: Absolution (2004)
One-Liner: Muse’s best album, and the one that kept me a fan of rock music when the rest of the rock world was sucking hard.

Life-Defining Moment: The first time I heard “Hysteria” I thought it was a song from a Tony Hawk game. I was wrong. That’s moment #1. Moment #2 takes place about a month later when a band I’m in decides that we want to play “Time Is Running Out” live. So we do. The MP3 still exists. Anyone want me to upload it?

Best Song: “Butterflies & Hurricanes”

#8. Field Music: Tones of Town (2007)
One-Liner: A pristine pop record in a time when the term “pristine pop” is overused.

Life-Defining Moment: Honestly, this CD took a while to click with me. It wasn’t until I heard “Working to Work” that it finally made sense. I started listening to the music, the lyrics, the feel of the whole thing. What I got was an awesome album, and one that ended up being my top album of 2007!

Best Song: “Working to Work”

#7. M83: Saturdays=Youth (2008)
One-Liner: A lush throwback to the emotions of 1980s brat-pack films.

Life-Defining Moment: I was leaving a friend’s apartment with another friend, and I was showing him “Kim & Jessie” for the first time. We both agreed that it sounded like it should’ve been the intro song in Donnie Darko. Then we started trying to figure out what that song actually WAS. Then we did. It was “Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears. We both started belting out the chorus to that song acapella immediately thereafter. So just to recap: two dudes, driving alone, singing Tears for Fears acapella. Yep, probably one of the gayest things I’ve ever done.

Best Song: “Kim & Jessie”

#6. Of Montreal: Satanic Panic in the Attic (2004)
One-Liner: Of Montreal’s “transition” album also happens to be their best.

Life-Defining Moment: I knew Of Montreal, but I didn’t know this album. I had went to the Virgin Megastore in Dallas to pick up The Gay Parade, but it was out of print. So I picked up this. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, “Disconnect the Dots” started playing, and it was so unlike what I was expecting that I instantly fell in love with it! I listened to the album the whole way home, and in the process bonded with an album that I never intended on getting. I may not be a HUGE Of Montreal fan today, if it weren’t for The Gay Parade being out of stock. Truly life-defining.

Best Song: “Rapture Rapes the Muses”

#5. Radiohead: Kid A (2000)
One-Liner: An experience that most have had, and few have forgotten.

Life-Defining Moment: The first time I heard Kid A was shortly after it leaked in 2000 on Napster. My sister was playing it in her car, and we were driving around listening to it. As a 15 year old, I didn’t really understand a lot of it. I was listening to a lot of crap at the time. But it struck me as something strange, but cool; something unlike anything I’d heard previously. It wasn’t until I got into indie music and bought the album in 2004 that I fell in love with it, but that early impression certainly helped me make the purchase.

Best Song: “Everything In Its Right Place”

#4. The Notwist: Neon Golden (2002)
One-Liner: A deep, chill electronic album that stays with you.

Life-Defining Moment: Like most of the music in my early-indie years, Neon Golden was first recommended to me on I downloaded the album before I bought it (twice) and played it in my dorm. Weeks later, my roommate, Preston, asks me to burn him a bunch of “my music” on a CD for him so that he can transfer it to his computer. Neon Golden makes the cut, and he loves it! Like, a lot! I haven’t talked to Preston in years, because, well, Preston’s a dick, but I’m glad I could pass my love of The Notwist on to somebody else.

Best Song: “Consequence”

#3. The Shins: Chutes Too Narrow (2003)
One-Liner: An album that single-handedly defined “indie rock” for me.

Life-Defining Moment: The first Shins song I ever heard was “Turn a Square.” I didn’t really like it. Well, not exactly. It just wasn’t what I was expecting to hear. So I set the album aside and went on my merry way. A few weeks later, my friend asks me if I’ve heard The Shins, tells me that they’re awesome, and convinces me to give Chutes Too Narrow another shot. I do. And I love it!

Best Song: “Pink Bullets”

#2. Sufjan Stevens: Illinois (2005)
One-Liner: The best male album of the decade, and proof that any concept, no matter how mundane, can turn out amazing in the right hands.

Life-Defining Moment: I was picking up my friend Nick at his house to take him to church, and “John Wayne Gacy” was playing. I suppose he was passively listening to the lyrics, because suddenly he burst out with “Is this song about having sex with boys?!?!” I told him who it was about and we listened to it again. He was sold. At the time, Nick was into your generally shitty hardcore rock music. I think this album had a greater effect on him than it did on me. He now finds himself listening to Iron & Wine and Nick Drake more than that other garbage. I would have to think Sufjan had something to do with that.

Best Song: “The Predatory Wasps of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!”

#1. The Postal Service: Give Up (2003)
One-Liner: The album that introduced me to indie music and changed my life in the process.

Life-Defining Moment: There are too many moments. Quite frankly, my late teens and early 20s are soundtracked by this album. How do I pick a moment? Do I choose when Josh first showed it to me on Spring Break 2004? Do I choose that same Spring Break when I woke up everyday and pressed play on my CD player, only to lay back down in bed and listen to the album in its entirety? Perhaps trading off lyrics with a girl who I really liked and thinking how life couldn’t get any better is a more apt moment? There are simply too many occasions in my life in which this album played a role. And so I will not choose one moment.

Instead, I leave you with this picture. Imagine me, a 15 year old kid, listening to Relient K, Finger Eleven and Incubus in the year 2000. And imagine me now, a 25 year old man whose favorite albums of the decade include everything on this list and so much more! What caused such a transformation? It was this album being presented to me in the right place and the right moment. Never doubt the power of music, friends.

Best Song: “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight”

The Top 31 Albums of 2008 (Pt. 1)

December 26, 2008

#31: Chris Walla: Field Manual – When I first wrote my review of Chris Walla’s debut album, I described it as a sort of “socially conscious” Death Cab-lite album that would serve as a nice filler while waiting for the next Death Cab album. I stick with that assessment today. With the exception of one or two songs, this album lost my attention by February. That Death Cab album, however, wound up being one of the most surprisingly satisfying albums of 2008!

#30: Magnetic Fields: Distortion – This too is another album that fell off of my radar rather quickly. The Magnetic Fields was one of the first indie bands that I really got into, and like many, I was disappointed with their previous album. Distortion is a much better effort by far. Though it takes some time to get used to the layer of distortion that plagues each track on the album, the songs that go on top of that are nothing short of the brilliance that we’ve come to expect from this legendary group.

#29: The Dears: Missiles – Of all the bands in 2008 that I thought would disappoint me, I never suspected The Dears, whose previous two albums had been masterpieces of moody, indie rock. Missiles ended up getting mixed reviews from critics, many of whom even put it towards the top of their year-end lists. I, however, found Missiles to be a remarkably drab affair with little of the tension and emotional pull of the band’s earlier work. It still wound up being a somewhat decent record, but several miles off from what I feel needed to be achieved.

#28: Tilly and the Wall: O – Who would have thought that a band who made their name by replacing a drummer with a tap-dancer would be able to make the jump from playground tomfoolery to edgy punk rockers? Answer: nobody, and personally, I wasn’t buying it either. I believe I originally gave this album a 5/10 score. Nowadays, I’d be more inclined to give it a 6/10. Sure that’s not saying much, but when you overcome all the nonsense you start to realize that there are some good tracks on O. Not all of them, clearly, but some of them.

#27: Mates of State: Re-Arrange Us – Mates of State made hints on Bring it Back that they were becoming adults but it wasn’t until the release of Re-Arrange Us that we all found out what that would mean for the group. What it meant was ditching the Casio for a piano, shelving shouting and yelling for soft, subtle harmonies, and taking the energy and trading it in for poignancy. Re-Arrange Us is in no way a bad album. But it is severely lacking in almost everything that I used to love about the band. Parenthood definitely makes a person grow up. I just wish they would have held it off for a few years.

#26: Sun Kil Moon: April – Mark Kozelek is a master of making repetitive, mediocre tunes into mesmerizing snapshots of life. He is a true artist, not someone who relies on gimmicks or “it” sounds to creating memorable songs. One gets the sense that deep down, he is aware of his flaws; his lack of compositional flare or his whiny, nasally voice. The remarkable thing is that he perseveres through these shortcomings and even uses them to his advantage in some cases. In the end, what you get is something that is never special, but more than ordinary. April is one of those albums.

#25: She & Him: Volume One – I’m a bit surprised to see She & Him winding up on so many year-end lists for the simple fact that the music contained on Volume One was in no way inventive, flawless, or even entirely memorable. While Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward have made a respectable album with several catchy songs, one simply cannot ignore the nearly-mediocre vocals or the somewhat juvenile lyricism. Let’s face it, we all have a schoolyard crush on Deschanel, let’s try not to let that cloud our judgement.

#24: The Dodos: Visiter – Sometime in February or March (I can’t really remember when), I was in a musical drought with nothing new or interesting to listen to. Somehow I came across Visiter and, based off of favorable reviews, decided to give it a try. While not entirely perfect, The Dodos have managed to make one of the most inventive albums of the year! Just from listening it’s hard to gauge who their influences are. There’s some definite similarities with Glen Hansard and Animal Collective, but even that is reaching far. The important thing to remember is that what you’re listening to is good. Who it sounds like is secondary. Enjoy it!

#23: The Mars Volta: The Bedlam in Goliath – Redemption is a sweet, sweet thing. Over two years ago, The Mars Volta followed what many would consider to be their best album (Frances the Mute), with one that most would consider their worst (Amputecture). This year, TMV gave us a much more respectable record that, while not achieving the heights of their first two LPs, manages to get things back on the right foot. Here’s hoping that 2009’s TMV album (assuming that they continue to release a record every 18 months or so) blows ‘em all out of the water!

#22: The Little Ones: Morning Tide – This album crossed my desk around the same time that I first got a hold of Of Montreal’s Skeletal Lamping. The result, unsurprisingly, was a severe lack of attention paid to it on my part. As the year wound down, however, I discovered just how charming and delightful The Little Ones can be! Morning Tide is a pretty cookie-cutter indie pop album, and many will be deterred by the sheer averageness of it all. However, despite its lack of creativity, Morning Tide is an extremely well-assembled album that contains more than its fair share of potential singles and sing-alongles. I recommend that you all check it out, whether you really want to or not.

#21: The Wombats: A Guide to Love, Loss & Desperation – Call it what you will – punk, indie, a combination of both – but few can deny the sheer energy that this band exudes at every corner nor the infectious nature of that energy. The Wombats are not nearly as popular here in the States as one would expect, what, with such a marketable sound. I suppose that should tell you a lot about the state of music media in the US of A. But hey, good for Lil’ Wayne. Good for auto-tune!

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 11

August 18, 2008

This week, then next week, then no more weeks of the Perfect Summer Soundtrack.  Not really that sad at all, actually.

The High School Friends Playlist
So for a lot of you, summer is a time to leave your college campus and return home for the summer.  And what’s the bast (or worst) part of returning home?  Getting to see all your high school friends again, and being able to reminisce on the “good times.”  Of course, there’s nothing better to help reminisce than all of that shitey music you used to jam to back in your parent’s old Ford Taurus.  
Face it, the music you listened to in high school sucked.  But being the nice guy that I am, I’ve decided to compile a good portion of it here.  The first 8 songs on the playlist are the songs you probably loved in high school.  The rest are what you should’ve been listening to.  More than anything, this just makes me feel old.  When I was in high school, Bill Clinton was still president of the United States and Coldplay was some British band that only my sister’s ex-boyfriend had heard of.  How times change!

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)
Week 2 – The Picnic Playlist
Week 3 – Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins (Road Trip Sing-a-longs, House Parties, Frisbee Tossing)
Week 4 – The 4th of July Party Playlist
Week 5 – The Pump Me the F*** Up! Playlist (Mountain Climbing, Fight Clubbing, Wakeboarding, Kayaking, Parachuting, Murdering, Running)
Week 6 – The Elected: Sun Sun Sun (Road Trip)
Week 7 – The Bike Ride Through the Country Playlist
Week 8 – Incubus: Morning View (Skateboarding, Surfing, Beach Trip, Road Trip)
Week 9 – The Water Aerobics Playlist

Week 10 – The Boy Least Likely To: The Best Party Ever (Hipster Parties, Road Trip, Biking, Frisbee-Tossing, and Running Through Sprinklers)

The Top 5 Albums That Need to Be On Rock Band

July 11, 2008

Since the video game juggernaut Rock Band was first announced over a year ago, one of the game’s greatest, most intriguing aspects was the ability for users to be able to download whole albums to utilize in the game. Unfortunately, Harmonix and MTV Games have been slow to release these albums so far, and with the release of Rock Band 2 just a few months away, I have to ask, “What gives?” How many albums are available at this moment? Well, you can count them on one hand, if that means anything. So this post is my call for more albums, and 5 in particular that will actually get me excited about this feature of the game (sorry, The Cars just ain’t doing it for me). These are the Top 5 Albums That Need to Be on Rock Band!

#5: Incubus: Science

Why?: For as cookie-cutter as Incubus’ last album was, one forgets that their major label debut in 1997 was one of a kind and waaaay ahead of its time. For the most part, music on Rock Band is pretty straightforward. S.C.I.E.N.C.E. is anything but, with tracks that will make your head explode from the shear amount of craziness going on. There will be a few hurdles to jump, like how do you get “Magic Medicine,” an instrumental song, on Rock Band? But I’ll leave that to the powers that be.

Key Tracks: “Redefine,” “Vitamin,” “A Certain Shade of Green,” “Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Love Song)”

#4: The Mars Volta: De-Loused In the Comatorium

Why?: If Harmonix is going to put a crippled version of The Mars Volta on the game (Coheed & Cambria), they might as well put on the real thing as well. The Mars Volta’s debut album is still their best yet, and who wouldn’t want to play “Eriatarka” on drums? Most importantly, however, this would show all those kids who love that damn C&C song what Prog Rock is supposed to sound like. And who knows, maye they’ll realize how gay they’ve been acting all this time.

Key Tracks: “Inertiatic ESP,” “Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of),” “Eriatarka,” “Televators,” and “Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt.”

#3: Queen: Greatest Hits Vol. 1

Why?: A greatest hits album may seem like cheating, but honestly, who would want to play a single Queen album when they could play their greatest hits? This collection has every great song that the band ever made, if you name it, it’s probably on here. That’s all I have to say. If you have a problem with that, meat me in the back after this post. (EDIT: So I just got finished re-reading this post and saw that I wrote “meat me in the back” which is probably the best euphimism for gay sex ever! Totally accidental, of course, but too good to fix. Enjoy!)

Key Tracks: “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Bicycle Race,” “Somebody to Love,” “Seven Seas of Rhye,” “We Will Rock You”

#2: Radiohead: OK Computer

Why?: Please don’t make me explain myself on this one. This is arguably one of the best alternative albums of all time and I don’t think you’d find many people who would be willing to argue that point. Really it all boils down to one thing: me getting to play “Paranoid Android.” That’s it. That’s really all I care about. Sure, every song on this album is great and worthy of being on Rock Band, but come on!

Key Tracks: “Paranoid Android,” “Karma Police,” “Electioneering,” “No Surprises,” “Lucky”

#1: Eagles: Hotel California

Why?: It’s one of the best albums of all time, featuring one of the best songs of all times, which contains one of the best guitar solos of all time. Is that enough of a reason for you? Yeah, I thought it would be. In case you’re still a doubter, check out these tracks.

Key Tracks: “Hotel California,” “New Kid in Town,” “Life in the Fast Lane,” and “Victim of Love”

Moods- Unfocused

June 12, 2008

Sometimes you just don’t have the patience or focus for a 18-minute long play epic rock track.  So I’ve made a playlist with 20 songs, none of which are longer than 1:59.  It’ll go by quick, just like you like it to.  Just like this introduction.

Moods – Frenetic

June 5, 2008

I’m doing this week’s Moods all Jill style.  That includes a definition.  That’s what makes it awesome!

Frenetic – adj. – fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.
So if you just so happen to be in a frenetic mood today, here’s a playlist to make sure you stay that way.  Each song has its wild and uncontrolled moments, and each is sure to please.  So enjoy this playlist, person.  I worked hard on it.  Kinda.

The Mars Volta: "The Bedlam In Goliath"

January 29, 2008

I first stumbled upon The Mars Volta when I was in college. Not really into the progressive rock scene at all, I was stunned to find that I not only liked their first album, De-Loused In the Comatorium, but simply couldn’t get enough of it. I spent countless hours rocking out to it in my dorm room, annoying roommates and probably the whole hall as well. Their second album, Frances the Mute, was equally as impressive, and perhaps more intriguing and challenging than their first. Therefore, it was a bit disheartening for me when they released their third album, Amputechture. It seemed to lack the focus of their previous works, often placing emphasis on extended complex freak-out sessions and putting secondary importance on Cedric Bixler-Zavala’s vocals. Melodies seemed patched together, and afraid to take center stage. As a huge fan of vocals in music (indeed, it is almost always the most important thing), I was completely disenchanted with this approach and was equally as disappointed in the album. The Bedlam In Goliath has similarly disappointing sections, though I am pleased to say that the album as a whole is a step in the right direction for The Mars Volta.

Opener “Aberinkula” opens the album at full force, charging out of the gate like a bull. The song features a trotting bass line and absolutely mind-blowing percussion from new drummer, Thomas Pridgen. The vocal melody is uncomplicated, but still somewhat catchy. Cedric belts out “Have you seen the living, tired of their own shells?” in the chorus, and his piercing voice is well-suited to the musical chaos that it accompanies. The song eventually breaks down with a freeform saxophone solo, which the Mars Volta has basically perfected at this point. An infectious, guitar-led groove carries the song to it’s end, and everything sounds great.

Amputechture’s biggest problem rears it’s ugly head again on “Metatron,” where the music once again takes priority over the vocal melody. Cedric’s voice is biting and forceful, but it is second to all the organized chaos that envelopes it. It’s a shame too, as the lyrics are some of the album’s more interesting. The instrumentation is unrelenting, as it is throughout most of Bedlam, and if you find yourself placing importance on that, “Metatron” may be a favorite for you. It is definitely reminiscent of “Tetragrammaton.” “Ilyena” is a much cooler song in general. It begins with an incredibly distorted, wet vocal solo. When Cedric sings, “I need a brand new skin,” it is undeniably awesome! After about a minute of that, the song busts out with a funky guitar riff and salsa percussion that just begs to be danced to. It’s a very jam-band type of song, and doesn’t scream of the forced complexities of many Mars Volta songs. Every aspect of this song is virtually flawless, and you’ll undoubtedly find yourself singing along or dancing after a few listens. It’s got a very cool drum outro too that is unfortunately ruined by some unnecessary distorted vocals.

“Wax Simulacra” is filled to the brim with typically cryptic lyrics (“I bring an avalanche of Toltec bones. Contaminated cravings if you choose to play something that aches for a spill.”) It is a very vocally intensive song, but it sounds as if they are constantly doing battle with the instrumentation to see who will be the focus of the song. In the end it’s such a mess that it’s hard to focus on anything. Fortunately, “Goliath” completely voids any problems that it’s predecessor had simply by being relentlessly amazing. Mars Volta fans will immediately recognize the song as a reworked, sped-up version of “Rapid Fire Tollbooth,” a song from Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s last solo album (and from the band’s live show in the past). It is, without a doubt, the standout track on the album. It’s the first time on the album that Cedric gives us a vocal melody worth remembering, and despite it’s 7+ minute runtime, it never feels too long or repetitive. Indeed, if anything, I found myself wanting it to continue. The band feels focused and tight throughout, only getting out of control when absolutely necessary.

Unfortunately, the momentum built by that song is instantly crushed by “Tourniquet Man,” a song that sounds entirely too much like Limp Bizkit’s cover of “Behind Blue Eyes” for me to take seriously. All Mars Volta albums have had a radio-friendly song, and this one just sounds like a failed attempt at one. Despite a convincing performance from Cedric, it gets a big “meh” from me. Likewise, “Cavalettas” struggles to find any meaningful reason for existence. The longest track on the album, it is unbearably repetitive and uninteresting, which is something I never though I’d say about The Mars Volta. The band seems to get lazy and can’t find a way to transition from one section to the next, opting instead to just drop out all the instrumentation for a few seconds before jamming back in. This happens 7 times (really). Not even manic sax and flute solos can save this song from the skip button.

“Agadez” picks things back up. Again, the band comes together and blends perfectly, resulting in a much more satisfying experience. Cedric syncopates, “I’m nowhere near this place you wear. It’s unforgivable. It knows that I am visible,” over some truly great instrumentation. The song breaks down at 3:45 and adds in some ethnic drums and more subtle vocals before picking things back up for a more appropriate Mars Volta-esque freak-out. It’s a great song! “Askepios” is really just a waste of time. It’s 5 minutes of uninspired drivel. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why the band insists on continually squandering any ounce of momentum that they have for stuff like this. “Ouroborous” is a very vocally focused song. As such, I instantly connected with it. It features Cedric crooning softly over some harmonium-like synths, singing, “Of all the warnings that you gave me with all components in the fault. Have you heard me scraping? It’ll be hard to hold.” It’s one of the album’s cooler moments, and by far its most unique.

“Soothsayer” begins with enchanting strings and a lazily moving guitar solo. Cedric’s vocals are haunting as they sing, “This deceit has no arms. Bended will, take what’s yours.” It is a beautiful song that never overdoes it, and everything just seems to work. Surely the strings were an excellent touch that pushed the song over the edge. The songs end with creepy “Requiem for a Dream-ish” violins and a reverbed choir. It’s a very nice touch. Bedlam’s closer is “Conjugal Burns” and once again, Cedric treats us to some impressive vocal stylings. When he sings, “I got a pain inside that’ll rip through the fabric of time,” I literally perked up because it was so unexpected. It’s a solid song and it keeps it at a relatively short runtime (for a Mars Volta song, 6:35). It seems out of place as a closer though. Musically, “Soothsayer” seems much more appropriate. Still, I can’t detract from it’s greatness.

The Bedlam In Goliath is undoubtedly The Mars Volta’s loudest album to date, and long-time fans will undoubtedly be pleased with what they hear. Unfortunately, there are a few songs that just don’t work and should have been left in the studio. Indeed, at nearly 76 minutes in length, The Bedlam In Goliath could have used a nice trimming. As a result, the album feels less cohesive than their previous albums, and is definitely more enjoyable to listen to in small doses. However, I have found myself entirely satisfied with the album’s better moments, and can therefore overlook its missteps along the way. For fans like me who felt a little disenchanted after Amputechture, rest assured that The Bedlam In Goliath is a much better album and worth picking up and investing your time in. Like all Mars Volta albums, it is not for everybody, but it is definitely something that deserves to be noticed.

Key Tracks:
1. “Aberinkula”
2. “Ilyena”
3. “Goliath”
4. “Agadez”
5. “Ouroborous”

7 out of 10 Stars

Video of the Week – Week 55

January 23, 2008

In anticipation of next week’s release of Bedlam in Goliath, the new album from The Mars Volta, I’ve decided to show all of you what they used to sound like before they started placing instrumentational freakouts above vocal melodies and good sense. Enjoy!

“L’Via L’Viaquez” by The Mars Volta, from the album, Frances the Mute.

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

December 15, 2007

Regurgitating the news you probably already know, it’s Go News Go! Not to be confused with Flee News Flee!


Tour Dates


I’m off to go buy some tickets. See you later.

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

December 1, 2007


Tour Dates
