Archive for the ‘The Cure’ Category

Video of the Week – Week 64

March 26, 2008
“I’m sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the Spider to the Fly.
“There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest awhile, I’ll snugly tuck you in!”
“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “for I’ve often heard it said,
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!”

The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt, 1821

Things that creep me out: spider webs, spiders no matter the size, the idea of being consumed by some arachnid while sleeping. This video, which seems to capture all that and Robert Smith’s voluminous black hair.

It’s certainly a classic in my book.

The Top 25 Alternative Rock Albums (Albums 15-11)

March 15, 2008

#15 – The Cure: Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (1987)
Jill says: “Quite simply, the lyrics of track 16, “A Thousand Hours”: ‘A thousand wasted hours a day/Just to feel my heart for a second/A thousand hours just thrown away/Just to feel my heart for a second…'”

#14 – New Order: Substance (1987)
Jill says: “I could write volumes about New Order. I could write a novel about this album. I have every single New Order and Joy Division album there is to have. I have it on cd, I have it on vinyl, I have it on rare, very expensive bootleg vinyle. I paid an exorbiant amount to see them live. It’s dark, it’s deep, it’s dirty, it’s clever in it’s hidden messages. I am not a “Blue Monday” and “Bizarre Love Triangle” kind of girl. To find me on that album, you have to look elsewhere: “Everything’s Gone Green”, “Thieves Like Us”, “Procession”, “1963”, and the song that ranks 2nd on my list of all time favorite songs, “Perfect Kiss”.”

#13 – The Flaming Lips: At War With the Mystics (2006)

Cale says: “The Flaming Lips have a career that spans the life and death of several genres. 80s metal, hair bands, new wave, grunge rock; the list goes on and on. Through it all, the band has remained true to their psychedelic rock roots while remaining as innovative and entertaining as ever. They experienced sort of a rebirth in the late 1990s and since then have created some of their strongest albums ever. In my opinion, it is their most recent album, At War With the Mystics, that tops them all! Every second of this album is breathtaking, filled with such dense compositions that you’re bound to catch new things you’ve never heard before with almost every listen! It is an amazing achievement for any band, much less a band that’s been around for over two decades.

#12 – Tears for Fears: Songs from the Big Chair (1985)
Jill says: “Honestly, don’t dismiss Tears for Fears the way I did for so long. “Shout” is the most recognizable but not the best track. “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” is fantastic but it’s “Head Over Heels/Broken” that is the true gem. It’s a live track but that doesn’t take away from the simple genius of it. I used to not like Tears for Fears, but the older I get, the more I realize they are truly quiet a talented pair.”

Cale says: “I don’t think there has ever been an album cover that screams “Alternative Rock!” more than this one. And who could argue with the fact that “Shout” is the most rockin’ song this side of Metallica? Only a fool, friends. Only a fool.”

#11 – Depeche Mode: Songs of Faith and Devotion (1993)
Jill says: “It is one of the few albums I will listen to from beginning to end without skipping over anything. “Walking In My Shoes” is by far my favorite, “In Your Room” is so sexy it makes me blush, and “Higher Love” just makes me want to start the entire thing over again.”

Erin says: “Depeche Mode never gets old and neither does Songs of Faith. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be singing these songs when I’m well into my twilight years, but hey, they’re that good.”