Archive for the ‘The Apples in Stereo’ Category

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 2

June 16, 2008

In our continued mission to give you, the reader, something good to listen to in almost any situation or mood, we have been kind enough to begin our Perfect Summer Soundtrack feature.  Every week, we’ll give you music to get you through all of your summer activities, be they tame, exciting, or somewhere in between.  We always have you covered!  You should know that by now.

The Picnic Playlist
Quite the conundrum we have here, ladies and gentlemen.  For as great as picnics are, there’s almost so way to take your computer to the park with you to jam on this playlist; unless, of course, you live in one of the handful of cities with municipal wi-fi.  In which case, lucky you.  But assuming you don’t, you’ll have to either resort to downloading (be it illegal or iTunes…I won’t judge) or spending a ridiculous wad of cash getting all these songs together.  Personally, I’d opt for the downloading route.
So without any further ado, I give you the picnic playlist; a collection of 20 songs that will make even the most mundane, bologna sandwich taste like a bitching Quizno’s Black Angus sub!*  And if you’re lucky, and happen to be going on a picnic with a member of the opposite sex, you might as well go ahead and pack some rubs.  This playlist will totally get you laid.**  Enjoy!

*Results not typical.
**Results extremely typical.

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)

Moods- Unfocused

June 12, 2008

Sometimes you just don’t have the patience or focus for a 18-minute long play epic rock track.  So I’ve made a playlist with 20 songs, none of which are longer than 1:59.  It’ll go by quick, just like you like it to.  Just like this introduction.

The Top 31 of 2007 – #11

December 21, 2007

Cale’s Pick
LCD Soundsytem: Sound of Silver
Released: March 20, 2007

I was at a Christmas party in 2005(?) and there’s a guy there who I typically only see at this same party every year. But we have a lot of the same interests in movies and music and such, so I sparked up a conversation about the best music of 2005. His pick for the best music of 2005? LCD Soundsystem, who, at the time, I had never heard of. Trusting this guy’s opinion, I went to the trusty BitTorrent and downloaded (illegally) the self-titled debut. I hated it. Well…loathed. That word works better. It just didn’t do anything for me. I was disappointed. So around the time that Sound of Silver came out, I was filled with such disinterest that I avoided listening to it for a month or so. But I finally downloaded it (illegally, again) and was immediately blown away by what I thought was a smart, funny, and endlessly talented dance album. James Murphy’s voice still sounds like he has a terrible case of nasal congestion, but he uses it in a way that suits it. The beats are “fly as hell” as I’ve heard some describe it, and the lyrics are just great. Sometimes they’re poignant, most of the time they’re just extremely clever. Whatever. I guess the point I’m getting at is that Sound of Silver completely won me over! So if you found yourself disappointed by the debut, you should at least give the guy another shot. Oh, and just so we’re clear, I did actually purchase the CD too. For the record, my rule is download first; buy if you dig it, delete it if you don’t. It suits me.

For making me a believer (without seeing her face), LCD Soundsystem slides into the #11 spot.

The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #11
“Same Old Drag” by Apples in Stereo, from the album, New Magnetic Wonder.


Jill’s Pick

Edith Piaf: La Vie en Rose: La Môme
Released: February 27, 2007

Songs about alcoholic mothers, circus performer fathers, a grandmother who is a madam, murder, being famous, her love of France…more alcohol, heartache, bad love affairs, death of an only child…despair, lust, some humor, true love, a whole lot of pain…that’s the glory of Edith Piaf.

Even if you don’t understand the French, you more than understand the feeling. And if you’d like to take a trip to Paris without ever leaving your living room, Edit Piaf is for you. Her flirty, heavily accented, Accordion/Piano accompanied voice is enough to take you to another place entirely. At least for me she is.

I’m not normally a soundtrack kind of girl and while I have other, possibly better, Edith Piaf albums, this one manages to pull all of my favorite Piaf songs together in one neat little package. Sometimes I like my nostalgic and sad French music in small packages, so the 11 tracks I love are neatly wrapped up for me. It’s got three parts to it: 11 of Piaf’s original recordings (remastered), the movie score, and Piaf interpretations by Jil Aigrot. I’ll be honest: I haven’t listened past track 11; movie scores and someone who isn’t Edith Piaf trying to be Edith Piaf don’t interest me.

Edith Piaf is perfect for those nostalgic, sad moments that sometimes come up.

My favorite track: “Mon Legionaire”

Songs you should give a listen to:
–“Rien en Rien”
–“Mon Manege a Moi”
–“Mon Legionaire”
–“Mon Homme”
–“La Vie en Rose” (the accordion version) (though, the original version is quite fantastic in itself)

The Top 31 of 2007 – #17

December 15, 2007

Cale’s Pick
The Apples in Stereo: New Magnetic Wonder
Released: February 6, 2007

It was a long time coming, but when The Apples in Stereo finally released New Magnetic Wonder after years and years without new music, it all seemed worth the wait. Crammed onto this single CD is more than 20 songs, each with their own appeal and charm. Songs like “Same Old Drag” or “Energy” are obvious favorites just in their sheer pop goodness, while other like “Non-Pythagorean Composition 1” are sure to get the mathletes excited. So whether you’re rocking out to “Seven Stars” or just smiling at “Vocoder Ba Ba,” you’re almost assured to enjoy every second of this album. Sure, they seem to rely on the vocoder far more than they should. But then again, most artists don’t use it as smartly as the Apples do either. The bottom line is that few albums released this year (or, hell, the last 5 or 6) have been as consistently enjoyable as New Magnetic Wonder. It’s persistent feel-goodery is so infectious that, even when you’re in a less than stellar mood, you’ll be tapping your toes and singing along in no time! Put down the razor blades kids, and pick up this album instead. You can thank me later.

For keeping me happy, The Apples in Stereo sweeten the #17 spot on my list.

The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #17
“She’s a Rejector” by Of Montreal, from the album, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?


Jill’s Pick
Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings: 100 Days, 100 Nights
Released: October 2, 2007

Okay. Again with the true story. I’m in Best Buy (again) and I’ve got Amy Winehouse’s album in my hands. I’m walking around looking at video games (okay, I was drooling over the Wii. I really want a Wii.) and this woman stops me. “Stay right here” she says and rushes off. I’m game. People amuse me and I’m watching the Wii demo anyway, so I wait. She comes back and thrusts this cd at me. “Don’t buy that! Buy this! Trust me!” And she’s gone again.

Lady in the pink coat with that weird corsage on it that your 5 year old made for you, I salute you. You turned me on to Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings and if I knew you, I’d kiss you. Or at least thank you properly for being so weird and bold that you’d stop someone in a Best Buy like that.

Fun facts:
–Amy Winehouse’s “Rehab”…that band is the Dap Kings. They are fantastic. Even more so when you pair them up with Sharon Jones, who has a HUGE voice.

–It’s Motown Soul with a little Blues edge; it sounds like it’s 1963 all over again. Even more so since they recorded it in analog rather than digital, as part of Daptone Record’s attempts at reviving Funk/Soul.

–There’s actually a vinyl pressing of the album (Which I want)

–Sharon Jones can sing…they way people should sing.

The only downfall is it’s only a 1/2 hour long, but there’s so much goodness in that half hour that you start it over from the beginning and go through it all again. It’s my house cleaning motivational album.

I think Amy Winehouse wants to sound like Sharon Jones, but she fails in a fantastic way. Try this over Amy Winehouse…it’s so much better.

My favorite track: “Be Easy”

Songs you should give a listen to:
–“Be Easy”
–“Something Changed”
–“Keep on Looking”
–“Settling In “