Archive for the ‘Springfactory’ Category

myspace musc monday: Springfactory

March 24, 2008

Now that I am finally able to listen to music on myspace, it’s time that I profile a band that I meant to do weeks ago. Sorry it took so long, guys.


Genre: Powerpop
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Band Members: Lina Cullemark, Peter Gunnarson, Daniel “Våldet” Holmström, Magnus Svedjebratt, and Mikael Hall
Influences: Music and people and hot stuff.

The Short of It: A lo-fi pop band with hints of greatness.

“It’s a Relief to Give Up” – A pretty simple song without anything that really stands out. The guitars, coupled with Lina’s vocals give off a very early-No Doubt vibe.

“No More” – A delightfully playful tune that features all sorts of instrumentation, including a trumpet and a skittery child’s piano. Lina’s vocals are spot on, and she is backed up by some wonderful harmonies. Definitely one to check out.

“Peggy Pear” – It’s got a very Of Montreal-ish composition, complete with an electronic stutter throughout. There’s also this sound that reminds me of a sound that plays when you lose a life on Super Mario World. The song is an absolute blast to listen to and really portrays a band that knows what they’re doing in the studio.

“Back of your Bike” – Another carefree tune about a 4am bike ride. The band stays away from complicated arrangements and opts instead to just have fun with it without being overpowering. Not the best song on the page, but definitely not the worst.

The Long of It: Lina Cullemark’s vocals are nothing to write home about, but her voice is still relatively charming. The band carries a distinctly lo-fi sound over all the tracks on their myspace page, but songs like “No More” (by far the best track on the page) show that the band is definitely destined for more than tinny garage recordings. I totally enjoy the fact that the music is as playful and carefree as it is, and I look forward to hearing more from the band soon. I may even resort to buying one of their CDs. I haven’t decided yet, but you should definitely check them out.

Springfactory’s myspace Page
Official Site