Archive for the ‘Rogue Wave’ Category

The Top 50 Albums of the Decade – Honorable Mentions

January 23, 2010

Those of you keeping up with my Twitter feed (@audiooverflow) should be aware that when I decided to compile my Top 50 Albums of the decade for Audio Overflow, I narrowed down the decades huge collection of great music to 118 album that I thought deserved to be nominated.  Then came the difficult task…narrowing that list to 50.  In the process, a lot of great albums that I though for sure would make it in the Top 50 got cut.  But I love these albums!  So in the interest of honoring properly, here are albums 70-51 in my best of the decade list. The honorable mentions, if you will.

#70.  Of Montreal:  Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies:  A Variety of Whimsical Verse (2001)
#69.  System of a Down:  Toxicity (2001)
#68.  Fiona Apple:  Extraordinary Machine (2005)
#67.  A Perfect Circle:  Thirteenth Step (2003)
#66.  LCD Soundsystem:  Sound of Silver (2007)
#65.  Sufjan Stevens:  Seven Swans (2004)
#64.  Fleet Foxes:  Fleet Foxes (2008)
#63.  Midlake:  The Trials of Van Occupanther (2006)
#62.  Tilly and the Wall:  Bottoms of Barrels (2006)
#61.  Tegan and Sara:  The Con (2007)

#60.  Rogue Wave:  Out of the Shadow (2003)
#59.  My Morning Jacket:  Z (2005)
#58.  The Flaming Lips:  Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots  (2002)
#57.  My Brightest Diamond:  A Thousand Shark’s Teeth (2008)
#56.  Conor Oberst:  Conor Oberst (2008)
#55.  The Shins:  Wincing the Night Away (2007)
#54.  Rogue Wave:  Descended Like Vultures (2005)
#53.  Mates of State:  Bring it Back (2006)
#52.  Jaymay: Autumn Fallin’ (2008)
#51.  Bright Eyes:  Cassadaga (2007)

Just a little something to hold you over until the full list, complete with photos and commentary, is posted sometime in the next week.

Today’s Twitter Updates (1/5/10)

January 6, 2010

What’s that?  You say you’re not following @audiooverflow on Twitter?  Well here’s what you missed today:

  1. Vampire Weekend News: Listen to Contra web

  2. New Album News – Of Montreal Progress Report on Strereogum web

  3. Polyvinyl Record Co. News – Headlights on Daytrotter web

  4. @warehouselive Sonya Westcott Evan Farrell, and Gram LeBron for Rogue Wave. Great band btw!from Twitterrific in reply to warehouselive

  5. See (Pretty) Girls and Lasers in the East Village tomorrow and get a free mp3 of their Refina Spektor mix. Tell em Cale sent you! 🙂from Twitterrific

  6. Free Download: Growing – “Hormones” Twitterrific

  7. Tour Dates – Vampire Weekend Announce Tour web

  8. Peaches News: NEW video for RELAX.. web

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 11

August 18, 2008

This week, then next week, then no more weeks of the Perfect Summer Soundtrack.  Not really that sad at all, actually.

The High School Friends Playlist
So for a lot of you, summer is a time to leave your college campus and return home for the summer.  And what’s the bast (or worst) part of returning home?  Getting to see all your high school friends again, and being able to reminisce on the “good times.”  Of course, there’s nothing better to help reminisce than all of that shitey music you used to jam to back in your parent’s old Ford Taurus.  
Face it, the music you listened to in high school sucked.  But being the nice guy that I am, I’ve decided to compile a good portion of it here.  The first 8 songs on the playlist are the songs you probably loved in high school.  The rest are what you should’ve been listening to.  More than anything, this just makes me feel old.  When I was in high school, Bill Clinton was still president of the United States and Coldplay was some British band that only my sister’s ex-boyfriend had heard of.  How times change!

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)
Week 2 – The Picnic Playlist
Week 3 – Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins (Road Trip Sing-a-longs, House Parties, Frisbee Tossing)
Week 4 – The 4th of July Party Playlist
Week 5 – The Pump Me the F*** Up! Playlist (Mountain Climbing, Fight Clubbing, Wakeboarding, Kayaking, Parachuting, Murdering, Running)
Week 6 – The Elected: Sun Sun Sun (Road Trip)
Week 7 – The Bike Ride Through the Country Playlist
Week 8 – Incubus: Morning View (Skateboarding, Surfing, Beach Trip, Road Trip)
Week 9 – The Water Aerobics Playlist

Week 10 – The Boy Least Likely To: The Best Party Ever (Hipster Parties, Road Trip, Biking, Frisbee-Tossing, and Running Through Sprinklers)

Moods – Frenetic

June 5, 2008

I’m doing this week’s Moods all Jill style.  That includes a definition.  That’s what makes it awesome!

Frenetic – adj. – fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.
So if you just so happen to be in a frenetic mood today, here’s a playlist to make sure you stay that way.  Each song has its wild and uncontrolled moments, and each is sure to please.  So enjoy this playlist, person.  I worked hard on it.  Kinda.

Moods – Goofy

April 9, 2008

Have you ever been in one of those goofy moods where seemingly everything is funny? Where you feel more hyperactive than normal, and all you want to do is have a good time? Yeah, I get those sometimes. When such a thing happens, I usually try to encourage that mood with an equally goofy soundtrack. More often than not, that means I’m going to pop in The Sunlandic Twins by Of Montreal. But in the interest of variety, I’ve assembled what I feel is playlist that is goofy enough to stand on its own. Hopefully it will keep you in that goofy mood of yours.

The Top 31 of 2007 – #10

December 22, 2007

Cale’s Pick
Architecture in Helsinki: Places Like This
Released: August 21, 2007

It can be argued that Places Like This, the latest album from Australia’s Architecture in Helsinki is a musically less-impressive album than their previous. I probably wouldn’t argue with you too much on that one. One could also say it’s less inventive. Maybe. But to say that it’s worse…well that’s just asking for a beat down. Because as I much as I love some twee here and there, AiH’s first two albums were tedious to listen to. The rarely ever conveyed the fun that should come along with the twee genre. On Places Like This, the band evolves their sound entirely. It sounds more like a B-52s revival than anything else. Missed notes are par for the coarse. An upbeat, never ending assault on your smiling muscles, the album is an absolute blast to listen to! It is the most fun album of 2007. Anyone who says otherwise hasn’t heard it or prefers to spend quality one on one time with razor blades and hair dye. That’s just science…

For reminding me that music can be fun and entertaining, AiH dances their way into the top ten!

The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #10
“Lake Michigan” by Rogue Wave, from the album, Asleep at Heaven’s Gate.


Jill’s Pick

Prince: Planet Earth
Released: July 24, 2007

I kind of never know what to expect from a Prince album. Nothing in his catalog is as good as “Sign O’ the Times” was and sometimes everything else sounds exactly the same, but I do have a long standing appreciation for his musical genius. He’s a master at Funk and Soul, he appreciates Jazz and Classical, and he knows how to blend them all together in the perfect way.

There’s that awful song “Guitar” that was in one commercial or another. It’s a cross between the 70’s and 80’s style Prince, which makes it like a variety show: there’s slow jams, love songs, vintage Prince Funk/Soul jams, Piano ballads.

What I learned listening to this album, which I listen to when I’m cleaning (yes, I assign albums to different tasks and reserve them solely for those.) is that Prince doesn’t belong anywhere categorically in music: he’s just a genius with diverse talent.

In retrospect, this probably should have been more in the 20’s of my list. (Oh well.)

My favorite track: “Chelsea Rodgers” (which is so fantastically Prince)

Songs you should give a listen to:
–“Somewhere Here On Earth”
–“The One U Wanna C”
–“Future Baby Mama”
–“All the Midnights in the World”
–“Mr. Goodnight” (“People call me Prince but you can call me Mr. Goodnight…” so cheesy but so good.)
–“Chelsea Rodgers”

The Top 31 of 2007 – #27

December 5, 2007
Cale’s Pick
Rogue Wave: Asleep at Heaven’s Gate
Released: September 18, 2007

Three albums in, and Rogue Wave has made my Top Albums of list 3 different times. This time around though, things aren’t as bright and sunny as they once were. Back in 2005, the band’s second LP, Descended Like Vultures made it to #3 on my list just behind Sufjan Stevens’ Illinois and The New Pornographers’ Twin Cinema. That’s pretty good company if you ask me! But Asleep at Heaven’s Gate takes the momentum built off of Rogue Wave’s first two albums and smothers it with a pillow. The band doesn’t expand on their sound at all. The first songs on the album all sound like “Love’s Lost Guarantee” in some way or another, and the second half of Asleep at Heaven’s Gate is mostly just filler. It wouldn’t even be on this list if it weren’t for those first 5 or 6 tracks, which are familiar yet very good. In the end though, Asleep at Heaven’s Gate feels a lot more like half of an album than a full effort by Zach Rogue and his bandmates. It’s a great half, though!

For being great, even when they’re bad, Rogue Wave (*cringe*) surfs it’s way to #27.

The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #27
“Hop a Plane” by Tegan and Sara, from the album, The Con.

Jill’s Pick

Lyle Lovett and His Large Band: It’s Not Big It’s Large

Released: August 28, 2007
The title of this album makes me chuckle because unless you know Lyle Lovett you could totally take this title the wrong way. (I know you know what I mean.) Really, though, he’s talking about his band. It is, after all, Lyle Lovett and His Large Band. It’s something like 13 instruments and himself, along with 3 other singers who basically have a backup role.

(Please. Let me complain. Lyle Lovett and his band have been on my list of “people to see live” for YEARS. And every time, every SINGLE TIME, he comes to either where I live or where I happen to be, it’s always at the worst possible time. I have, in the last two years, missed his show 6 times. Six. And that’s an accurate number, folks, because I’m bitter about the timing and of course I’m going to keep track so that when I do complain, I can complain with FACTS.)

(Moving on…)

It’s part Gospel, Jazz, Folk, Country, Big Band, Classical. Lyle Lovett has this voice I find soothing and mellow and always leaves me wanting more. He makes me love the South more than I already do, gives me a strong desire to slow dance, and I always want to bust out the tea lights for a little late night listening session. There’s nothing gimmicky, nothing new. Nothing innovative. It’s comfortable music…and comfort is key. (Or crucial, depending on who you are.)

Lyle Lovett is like Bjork, when I really think about it: you never know what you’re going to get. It’s Lyle Lovett. He doesn’t need to do anything new.

The best track: “Up In Indiana” (both versions)
Tracks you should give a listen to:
–“Tickle Toe”
–“South Texas Girl”
–“Up In Indiana”
–“No Big Deal”

2007’s Top 5 Songs From Bad Albums

November 16, 2007

It’s always unfortunate when you hear a really great song and then run out to buy the album based on that one song, only to find that the rest of the album sucks! This is particularly why I’m an advocate of free online music (be it streaming or P2P). Sometimes you just need to hear the whole album before a purchase can be justified. Case in point, the following five songs. They’re great songs, some of 2007’s best! But they make you greatful for online music stores like iTunes where you’re able to buy by the song. The following are the Top 5 songs of 2007 that were on crappy albums!

#5: “Icky Thump” – The White Stripes, from the album Icky Thump – While all the major media outlets were raving about the return-to-form that was Icky Thump, us levelheaded folks were busy wondering what the fuss was all about. Aside from about 2 to 3 decent tracks, Icky Thump sucked. Not only that, it was the same crap we’ve been hearing from The White Stripes for over a decade! The band showed no progression, and hardly any justification for positive feedback. “Icky Thump” was the biggest exception to this. An upbeat, infectious, and unapologetic rock song, “Icky Thump” really proved how bad the album was. It kicked things off with a bang, and everything else just whimpered.

#4: “Don’t Make Me a Target” – Spoon, from the album Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga – Spoon has this habit of making 4 or 5 really great songs and lumping them on an album with 6 or 7 really forgettable songs. Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga was a really good example of this. Tracks like “Don’t you Evah” and “The Underdog” were fantastic tracks, while a song like “Japanese Cigarette Case” is just begging for you to skip it. My favorite track on the album is the powerful, toe-tapping opener, “Don’t Make Me a Target.” Brit Daniel’s vocals are spot-on as usual, and the infectious groove created by the guitar is just unstoppable. I love every minute of it; both on the CD and live!

#3: “Sugar Assault Me Now” by Pop Levi, from the album The Return to Form Black Magick Party – Wow, what a mediocre album. With only two songs that I listen to occasionally, The Return to Form Black Magick Party is an album that doesn’t need to exist. Not good enough to enjoy and not bad enough to make fun of, Pop Levi’s debut album was just mediocre enough to forget. “Sugar Assault Me Now” is yet another lead-off track that showed promise, only to find that promise squandered on annoyingly repetitive guitar riffs and vocals. It’s as if Pop Levi thought to himself, “What’s the best way I could ruin this?” and then did exactly that. This song is still one of my favorite on my running playlist, and if it weren’t for that, Pop Levi would’ve been forgotten about a long long time ago.

#2: “Lake Michigan” by Rogue Wave, from the album Asleep at Heaven’s Gate – Oh man, what a disappointment! Rogue Wave is one of my favorite bands, so I was so hyped about their newest album. When I found out that it’s only about half an album with a bunch of filler, I was as close to heartbroken as you can be over music. Their first two albums were flawless. This one, not so much. There are some fantastic song on here though, “Lake Michigan” being the stand out by far! And people are taking notice too, thanks to Microsoft. While I’m not the biggest fan of the album, I’m finally happy that the band is getting the attention that they deserve. If only it were for Descended Like Vultures.

#1: “One Two Three Four” by Feist, from the album The Reminder – To say The Reminder was a disappointment is an understatement. The album has one great song in “One Two Three Four” and then a bunch of mediocre to terrible songs filling in the rest of the space on the CD. It’s a shame when you consider how great Let It Die was. Like Rogue Wave, Feist has gotten a lot of attention recently thanks to Microsoft Apple, which is good. She’s too talented of an artist to not be heard, and the video to this song is much too magical to be ignored. If anything, I’m happy for Feist. But my feelings remain the same about The Reminder. It’s bad!