Archive for the ‘(Pretty) Girls and Lasers’ Category

Today’s Twitter Updates (1/5/10)

January 6, 2010

What’s that?  You say you’re not following @audiooverflow on Twitter?  Well here’s what you missed today:

  1. Vampire Weekend News: Listen to Contra web

  2. New Album News – Of Montreal Progress Report on Strereogum web

  3. Polyvinyl Record Co. News – Headlights on Daytrotter web

  4. @warehouselive Sonya Westcott Evan Farrell, and Gram LeBron for Rogue Wave. Great band btw!from Twitterrific in reply to warehouselive

  5. See (Pretty) Girls and Lasers in the East Village tomorrow and get a free mp3 of their Refina Spektor mix. Tell em Cale sent you! 🙂from Twitterrific

  6. Free Download: Growing – “Hormones” Twitterrific

  7. Tour Dates – Vampire Weekend Announce Tour web

  8. Peaches News: NEW video for RELAX.. web

Check Out (Pretty) Girls & Lasers – Tonight in NYC!

December 2, 2009

If I’m going to be completely honest with all of you, I’m going to tell you that for the most part, I’m not a fan of crazy all-night dance parties.  Loud, mostly awful music, mixed by douchey DJs and soaked up by trashy girls isn’t something I get into.  Forgive me.

But there are exceptions.  Enter (Pretty Girls) & Lasers, two guys who happen to make some incredible mixes with tunes that even I enjoy listening to.  I was skeptical, of course, when they first emailed me about their music, but after listening to their new hour-long mix on their website, I’m sold!

The duo will be in East Village tonight at Arlo & Esme to show off their skills for all in attendance.  There is free entry to anyone who RSVPs on the PG&L website, and $5 vodka drinks all night long.  Not bad for a Wednesday!

If you’re in NYC tonight and want to dance your (pretty) little behind off, I highly recommend you check it out!  Thanks for the tip, guys.  Keep up the good work!
Cale out.