Archive for the ‘Perfect Summer Soundtrack’ Category

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 2

June 16, 2008

In our continued mission to give you, the reader, something good to listen to in almost any situation or mood, we have been kind enough to begin our Perfect Summer Soundtrack feature.  Every week, we’ll give you music to get you through all of your summer activities, be they tame, exciting, or somewhere in between.  We always have you covered!  You should know that by now.

The Picnic Playlist
Quite the conundrum we have here, ladies and gentlemen.  For as great as picnics are, there’s almost so way to take your computer to the park with you to jam on this playlist; unless, of course, you live in one of the handful of cities with municipal wi-fi.  In which case, lucky you.  But assuming you don’t, you’ll have to either resort to downloading (be it illegal or iTunes…I won’t judge) or spending a ridiculous wad of cash getting all these songs together.  Personally, I’d opt for the downloading route.
So without any further ado, I give you the picnic playlist; a collection of 20 songs that will make even the most mundane, bologna sandwich taste like a bitching Quizno’s Black Angus sub!*  And if you’re lucky, and happen to be going on a picnic with a member of the opposite sex, you might as well go ahead and pack some rubs.  This playlist will totally get you laid.**  Enjoy!

*Results not typical.
**Results extremely typical.

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 1

June 9, 2008

Well, like it or not, it’s pretty much summer.  Oh sure, the so-called “meteorologists” out there will have you believe that summer doesn’t officially begin until June 21st.  But around here I make the rules.  Plus, if you live in Houston like I do, Summer began a few weeks back.  To commemorate this most warm of seasons, Audio Overflow will be suspending the myspace music monday feature for the next few months.  In its place, we will be highlighting music that we feel is the perfect companion to all your summer activities.  Whether you’re camping, going to the beach, or just staying inside where its cool, we hope to have you covered.  

This feature will be pretty flexible.  So one week we may just feature an album, another we’ll make a playlist for you, or for a certain event.  We just hope that you’ll take our suggestions and make sure you make music a vital part of your summer!
Rooney: Rooney

Recommended Activities:  Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding
Rooney’s 2003 debut album is easily one of my favorite mainstream rock albums of the last decade.  It’s hard to believe that it has been 5 years since I walked out of my local Best Buy with this CD in tow.  Since then, it’s never gotten old; I’ve never grown tired of it.
I was pretty much sold the first time I saw the video to “Blueside,” the first single, on MTV.  It had such a cool, California rock vibe to it.  There’s no denying the Beach Boys influence on their music, but it also had a really solid pop punk sound to it as well.  When I finally got around to listening to the whole album, I was caught off guard by just how impressive it was.  Every song begs to be sung along to, harmonized with.  Highlights include the guitar-driven “Stay Away,” the self-assured “Daisy Duke,” and the devilishly sinister “Popstars.”
Daisy Duke – Rooney
Take my word for it.  Throw the surf boards on the roof, pile some friends in the car, and head to the coast with a big retro-80s boom box.  Throw out some towels and pop this baby in.  You can’t possibly go wrong!
Key Tracks:
1. “Blueside”
2. “Stay Away”
3. “Popstars”
4. “Daisy Duke”
5. “Sorry Sorry”
Buy from Amazon  |  Buy from Insound  |  Download from iTunes