Archive for the ‘Of Montreal’ Category

What is Muse’s Best Album?

August 24, 2008

Well, another week has passed and with it another poll. Here’s what became of last week’s poll question:

Showbiz (0%)
The Origin of Symmetry (11%)
Hullabaloo Soundtrack (0%)
Absolution (22%)
Black Holes and Revelations (66%)

I must say, I’m a bit surprised by the results to this week’s poll. I’m one of the few people who voted for Absolution, as I think it is a more technically impressive, well-rounded, and thematically coherent record. The critical consensus has always been in favor of Black Holes and Revelations, but it had too many ups and downs for me to enjoy completely. “Assassin” and “Invincible” are the height of anthem cheese, “Soldier’s Poem” is pretty, though a bit silly lyrically, and “Starlight” is Coldplay-lite. As an album, it was all over the place and Absolution felt like a more solidly constructed piece of art.

I’m interested to hear why you voted the way you did. Let me know in the comment section, below.

There’s a new poll up right now! Please answer honestly. Also, Skeletal Lamping has leaked…you may want to check that out.

The Top 40 Songs By Of Montreal (Songs 15-11)

August 22, 2008

I was told last week that this list seems a bit excessive, that Of Montreal couldn’t have more than 60-70 songs.  Well, I have well over 100 in my collection alone.  So narrowing the list down to 40 is not only helpful, but in no way excessive.  Deal with it.

#15:  “Old Familiar Way” from the album, The Gay Parade (1999) – Once again, I’m having fond memories of some of the first Of Montreal songs that I ever heard.  This lead-off track to The Gay Parade deals with being bored with everyday life.  Stuff that used to amaze you now leaves you wanting more, the life you live leave you unfulfilled.  It’s the perfect setup to the zany world of The Gay Parade, with a cast of characters so expansive that you loose yourself in it and forget about your world entirely.
#14:  “Nickee Coco and the Invisible Tree” from the album, The Gay Parade (1999) – There’s something so intensely magical and unforgettable about this song.  No matter how many times I listen to it, I’m completely captivated by the story of a young girl who climbs up an invisible tree, falls asleep, and disappears.  As the townspeople rally together to locate her whereabouts an owl flies by and spots young Nickee Coco, eventually leading to her discovery by friends and family.  The final chorus is emphatic and celebratory, and it gets me every time.  “We love you Nickee Coco/ We were so sad when we thought we lost you!”  I still get goosebumps.
#13:  “The Miniature Philosopher” from the album, The Gay Parade (1999) – I’m really on quite the Gay Parade kick here aren’t I?  Hey, it’s an awesome record!  Can you blame me?  This song is one of the more charming tracks from that album, about a tiny philosopher whom nobody takes seriously due to his short stature.  It’s a bit sad to hear about his continual failures in philosophy and how he continues his quest to become famous, but then again, who doesn’t enjoy hearing about the woes of pompous, precocious philosophers?
#12:  “Voltaic Crusher/Undrum to Muted Da” from the album, Icons, Abstract Thee EP (2007) – While not the longest or most inventive song in the Of Montreal catalogue, Kevin Barnes’ depressing and self-depreciating break-up song is definitely one of the catchiest.  The simple line of “You gave me a hand/I gave you a fist/Please don’t lose any sleep over me, baby/I hardly exist” has been stuck in my head so many times over the last year, that it’s getting to be quite ridiculous.  

#11:  “Good Morning, Mr. Edminton” from the album, Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (2001) – The lead-off track to Of Montreal’s weirdest album to date also happens to be the most enjoyable song to sing along with – definitely in their collection, but maybe ever!  Countless hours I have wasted singing “Tip toe down the spiral stairs and just before the cellar door you’ll see a picture of a juggler.  Touch his nose and that will open up the secret corridor.  Take the ladder at the end up to the street and run as fast as you can!”  Grab a friend and make them sing harmony.  Trust me.  It doesn’t get any better than this.

The Top 40 Songs By Of Montreal (Songs 20-16)

August 15, 2008

Please you to visit 4 weeks previous before path you continue?  This beneficial to you, undoubtedly.

Week 1  |  Week 2  |  Week 3  |  Week 4
#20:  “The Actor’s Opprobrium” from the album, The Sunlandic Twins Bonus EP (2005) – If there was ever a reason to reach deep into that Sunlandic Twins case of yours and pull out the bonus EP that’s tucked away nicely, this song would be it.  The story of a poor chap who is honored to star in the great master’s snuff film, only to find out that all blessings come with a consequence.  The line of, “I want to be a star, but that’s going to far,” could probably be slapped on the t-shirt of every young hopeful out in Hollywood who wants to be taken seriously as an actor, but is probably more suited for pornography, or snuff as the case would be.  Semantics, really.
#19: “Suffer for Fashion” from the album, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? (2007) – Of all the danceable songs that Of Montreal has made over the past 5 years, none fit the mold better than “Suffer for Fashion,” the lead-off track to their most recent album.  The first time I heard it was at a show about a year before the album came out and – whoah – totally blown away.  Keep that click clicking at 130 bpm, guys.  I wouldn’t have it any other way!
#18:  “Oslo in the Summertime” from the album, The Sunlandic Twins (2005) – Containing what is arguably one of the catchiest, most endearing basslines of the last decade (at the very least), “Oslo in the Summertime” is the audible embodiment of “cool.”  Linguistically, that may not make a lick of sense, but I think long time readers ought to be able to follow.  The simple truth is that this song just makes you want to slick your hair back, throw on your shades and leather jacket, shove that comb in your back pocket and point at random people in tempo.  Or maybe that’s just me.  Either way…great song!
#17:  “Lysergic Bliss” from the album, Satanic Panic in the Attic (2004) – Let’s go back, once again, to right around the time that I first heard Of Montreal.  Satanic Panic in the Attic was my very first album of theirs to own, and I bought it without ever hearing one of its songs (I was more familiar with The Gay Parade).  So at the time, I still wasn’t completely sold on the band.  But by the time this song came around (Track 2, I believe) I was completely sold!  More specifically, it Kevin Barnes playing the role of dozens of schoolchildren and harmonizing with himself that sold me on the band.  The rest is history.  Boring, boring history.
#16:  “Chrissy Kiss the Corpse” from the album, Satanic Panic in the Attic (2004) – In 2004 I was driving back from the ghetto, where I had just received my first tattoo, and a friend was in the back seat – completely high if I recall correctly.  Suddenly, this song starts playing on my stereo and I hear a faint voice from the back seat, “There’s soooooo much going on.”  I turn around to see my tranquil friend wide-eyed in amazement.  That’s what I think about every time I hear this song.  Strange sure, but I always love how we can connect certain songs to different moments or times in our lives.  That’s the magic of music, I suppose. 

The Top 40 Songs By Of Montreal (Songs 25-21)

August 8, 2008

If you’re new to this 8-week countdown, please check out the last 3 weeks to catch up!

Week 1   |   Week 2  |  Week 3

#25 – “Vegan in Furs” from the album, Satanic Panic in the Attic (2004) – “Vegan in Furs” is probably the best album-ender in Of Montreal history.  With a catchy melody, crazy guitars, and a sing-along quality coda (I think that’s the second time I’ve used that phrase in the last 48 hours), this song is undeniably awesome.  It drips with Of Montreal’s trademark indie pop sound and Kevin Barnes’ usually strange lyricism.  It reminds me of the good times before Of Montreal turned into a group that 15-year old girls can dance like skanks to.  For that, this song makes it to #25.

#24 – “Butterscotching Mr. Lynn” from the album, Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (2001) – At under 2 minutes long, it would be easy for many to overlook this great song.  It perfectly captures Coquelicot’s whimsical feel while remaining sane enough (for the most part) for even the most casual of listeners to dig it entirely.  Again, I do tend to get a little sentimental when I listen to old classics like this one.  It’s so perfectly constructed, deep, and exciting, that it makes a fly beat and cool bass line seem like child’s play.  Not to completely trash Of Montreal’s newer work, I love that stuff too.  But there’s just something about songs like “Butterscotching Mr. Lynn” that absolutely does it for me!
#23 – “An Epistle to a Pathological Creep” from the album, Satanic Panic in the Attic (Japanese Bonus Tracks) (2004) – It’s a little known song, sure, but it’s an absolute blast to hear.  When I first got wind of it, I was in college, so Barnes’ rant about a guy who “speaks as if you should be taking notes” rang true with me.  So many arrogant d-bags in college, and Kevin manages to nail every single one with his characterization of this pathological creep.  Lovely!  And because it’s so rare, I’ve uploaded it for your listening enjoyment.
#22 – “Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games” from the album, The Sunlandic Twins (2005) – Ahh, the song that made Of Montreal into a household name.  While it’s true that the Outback Steakhouse commercials really ruined hope of me every liking this song to the same degree that I did when I first heard it, nothing can erase the first time I popped The Sunlandic Twins into my CD player and jammed to this song on repeat.  Hell, it was even on Cloverfield!  Yes, my favorite little band has grown up and starred in T-Mobile commercials, mostly due to this song.  Make no mistakes, it is a brilliant piece of pop music, and one that is oddly relatable.

#21 – “The Problem With April” from the album, Horse and Elephant Eatery (No Elephants Allowed) (2000) – This may or may not have been the first Of Montreal song that I ever heard, I can’t remember.  But what is important is that it’s an amazing song that captures the heartbreak and hopelessness of being dumped, but does so with an amazingly upbeat, parade-march song.  The lyrics are easily rememberable (Actual word?  Spell check thinks so.) and easily some of Barnes’ catchiest to date.  And hey, who doesn’t love New York in June?  Besides radical Muslims…

The Top 40 Songs By Of Montreal (Songs 30-26)

August 1, 2008

Week 3 0f 8 is below.  If you’re just now joining us for this Top 40 Countdown, be sure to check out the previous entries.  Once you brush up on your stuff, keep reading to find out which songs made it to the list this week.

Week 1   |   Week 2
#30:  “I Was Never Young” from the album, The Sunlandic Twins (2005) – When I first got my hands on The Sunlandic Twins back in 2005, I was excited to hear that the lead-off track “Requiem for O.M.M.2” showed a nice evolution of Of Montreal’s sound.  It wasn’t until this song (track 2) that I realized that this was much more than an evolution, it was a revolution (oh yeah, I just went there).  Caveman chants, mariachi trumpets, electronic drums…hell, this song has it all!
#29:  “My Favorite Boxer” from the album, The Gay Parade (1999) – One of the many reasons why everyone should listen to The Gay Parade before calling themselves an Of Montreal fan, “My Favorite Boxer” is a charming, humorous story about a poor lad who idolizes a boxer named Hector Ormano.  Feeling bad for someone has never been so joyous!
#28:  “Eros’ Entropic Tundra” from the album, Satanic Panic in the Attic (2004) – Leave it to Kevin Barnes to name a song “Eros’ Entropic Tundra” when the obvious and easy title would be “Sad Love” (yes, kiddies, that’s this song).  This was one of the first times that I ever heard an Of Montreal be kind of sad, and I loved it.  It’s heartfelt, earnest, and real which served as a nice break from all the necromancing and British tour diaries that overran the album.  Of course, we would later get a whole heap of sad songs on Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?  But in many ways, you never forget your first.
#27:  “Penelope” from the album, Coquelecot Asleep In the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (2001) – Honestly, this is a really great song, thus explaining its spot on this list.  But I fear that I might actually like Casper and the Cookies’ cover version better.  I’m sure if Kevin Barnes had dreamt up the song in 2007 that he would have come up with something eerily similar to what those guys did.  Still, the original flows much better and feels a whole lot less gimmicky.  
#26:  “She’s A Rejector” from the album, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? (2007) – As great as this song is, I never realized the full extent of its awesomeness until I saw the band perform it live in January of 2007.  This is one of the few songs that I’ve ever heard sound better live than it does on the album.  That’s not to detract from its greatness though, it’s a blast to listen to, sing along to, and freak out to at the right moments (“I CAN’T, I CAN’T, I CAN’T, I CAN’T!!”).

The Top 40 Songs By Of Montreal (Songs 35-31)

July 25, 2008

Week two of our 8-week countdown extends beyond Of Montreal’s older works and into some new classics.  Enjoy!

#35:  “Disconnect the Dots” from the album, Satanic Panic in the Attic (2004) – So the scene goes something like this.  I hear a few Of Montreal songs on the internet (from The Gay Parade, specifically) and decide, “Wow, that’s really cool sounding.  I think I’ll go buy that album!”  So I head out to my local record store, only to find that The Gay Parade is out of print.  Boo!  I pick up Satanic Panic in the Attic instead, never having heard a song.  I pop it into my vehicle on the ride home and “BLAM!”  I am an instant Of Montreal fan.  This lead-off track to that album hooked me right in with its catchy lyrics and sweet harmonies.  It came completely unexpected to me as I was expecting a whole lot more folksy, circus music.  What I got was an electronic pop masterpiece and one of my favorite albums of the last decade or so.
#34:  “Doing Nothing” from the album, Aldhils Arboretum (2002) – Though I’m no expert on popular opinion, I believe that their 2002 album, Aldhils Arboretum, is generally considered to be the worst of the bunch.  I heartily disagree, however, and find that even though it is not quite as solid as their best, it is far from their worst.  Another lead-off track, “Doing Nothing” sounds a bit like the Friends theme song before cascading into a wonderful indie pop treat.  Kevin’s lyrics are sing-along quality, as they usually are, but even more here than usual.  Sure, the album is hit or miss, but this one will always give you a reason to pop in the ol’ CD player.
#33:  “So Begins Our Alabee” from the album, The Sunlandic Twins (2005) – Whereas Satanic Panic merely hinted at the electronic pop direction that Kevin Barnes would take Of Montreal in the future, it wasn’t until 2005 that fans actually found out what that would sound like:  awesome.  “So Begins Our Alabee” was the first track on The Sunlandic Twins that seemed to rely wholly on electronic instrumentation.  Though there is some slight bass and electric guitar, the majority of this one is synth-based, with enough electronic drums and flutters to get anyone excited.  A smart move by Kevin Barnes, as it made his then mostly-unknown band into one of the most-popular indie acts of the past few years.  A T-Mobile commercial?  Come on!
#32:  “Sink the Seine” from the album, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? (2007) – Leave it to me to place this overlooked “filler” track from last year’s masterpiece on this list.  The fact of the matter is that “Sink the Seine” remains one of the catchiest, most memorable tracks from Hissing Fauna.  Not much else to say.  I mean, it’s only a minute long.
#31:  “Du Og Meg” from the album, Icons, Abstract Thee EP (2007) – Ahh yes.  What would an Of Montreal list be without mention of at least some of there EP-only tracks?  The simple truth is that if you’re only listening to the LPs, you’re missing out on a lot of great songs.  Where most artist will place throwaways on an EP, Kevin Barnes focuses more on the good songs that just didn’t fit with the flow of his LPs.  “Du Og Meg” is an absolutely fabulous track that takes Of Montreal back to its roots in that it tells a story of a couple characters.  Of course, it’s no “Jaques Lamure,” but it’s still one of the band’s most infectious tracks.  Worth mentioning, worth listing, worth listening to again and again.

Week 1 – Songs 40-36

The Top 40 Songs By Of Montreal (Songs 40-36)

July 18, 2008

So now that we all know that Of Montreal’s next album, Skeletal Lamping, is due out on October 7th, it’s time to start getting excited.  Being the eager fanboy that I am, I’ll do my part by listing the Top 40 Of Montreal Songs over the next 8 weeks!  Yes, eight whole weeks.  Not a good time to swing by the ol’ Audio Overflow if you’re not an Of Montreal fan, but hey, I’m too pumped up to care!  Hope you enjoy!

#40:  “Nicki Lighthouse” from the album, Horse and Elephant Eatery (No Elephants Allowed) (2000) – This was one of the first songs by Of Montreal that I ever heard.  It drew me in with its nonsensical lyrics about “the strangest girl that’s ever been” who has a bad habit of eating her dinner on her ceiling and wallpapering the floor.  But what really did it for me is the song’s sing-along coda of “I’m a big fan/ Nicki Lighthouse/ You know that I am!”  It’s a fun song to pull you out of whatever sort of funk you may be in, as most good Of Montreal songs do.
#39:  “Tim, I Wish You Were Born a Girl” from the album, Cherry Peel (1997) – Of Montreal’s first album is kind of a mixed bag.  There are some true gems, and others that just don’t do it for me at all.  This song is one of the better tracks from that album.  It really help set the whimsical, carefree tone that many of their later albums would take and was one of the first times that listeners had reason to question Kevin Barnes’ sexuality. 
#38:  “Let’s Go For a Walk” from the album, Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (2001) – “Let’s Go For a Walk” is not nearly as wonderful by itself as it is in the context of the album that it is on.  Coquelicot tells the story of a fairy-like creature of the same name who falls asleep and goes on many adventures with imaginary characters.  This song wraps up the album beautifully as a heartbreaking goodbye to all of her friends that she has made.  It is one of the most beautiful songs that Kevin Barnes has ever written.  The instrumentation is simply gorgeous, and the minimal lyrics are welcomed over his usual SAT word-filled verses.
#37:  “Rose Robert” from the album, Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (2001) – Another one from Of Montreal’s 2001 concept album, this song tells the story of Rose Robert, a strange character with whom the narrator loves to cross-dress and “gurgle and squeak” rather than speak.  It’s a zany song, even for this album (which mostly sounds like drug-induced circus music).  Despite the claims of some that it’s far too silly, there’s actually a lot of cool guitar stuff going on in the right speaker, not to mention a beautiful piano solo and attractive vocal melody.  This is one to sing along to when you’re taking a long trip home in the middle of the night. It keeps you awake.  Trust me, I know.
#36:  “Go Call You Mine” – from the album, Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (2001) – This one only clocks in at 1:30, and yet it features probably more instruments than any other Of Montreal song.  Kevin only sings for the last 30 seconds, leaving the first minute to be filled with one of the best instrumental performances on any Of Montreal album ever.  It’s a difficult song to describe, so I’ll just let you listen to it.  I hope you’ll agree that it deserves a spot on this list.

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 4

June 30, 2008
Well, I’m back from vacation and things are getting back to normal around here. That means that it’s time for another post for our Perfect Summer Soundtrack series. This week’s post is monsterous!

The 4th of July Party Playlist
America celebrates its independence this Friday, and there will be plenty of festivities to celebrate this occasion. Personally, I’ll probably be laying low. But for those of you out there who are throwing – or attending – a bitchin’ house party, I’ve assembled my largest playlist to date!

88 songs. That’s how long this one is. How that translates into minutes, I have no idea. Though considering how imeem is prone to shorten some songs down to 30-second clips, I’d have to imagine that it would be a bit shorter than some would like. Like any good party mix, it’s filled with upbeat songs (though nothing too overwhelming), conversation-starters (oh, who is this?), and even a few quiet songs that stay out of the way to let you actually have that conversation.

If you happen to be throwing a party this Friday with a bunch of hipsters, plug this one into the stereo system and let me know how it goes. I’m interested in finding out just how amazing this playlist is. Oh, and set it to “shuffle.”

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)
Week 2 – The Picnic Playlist
Week 3 – Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins (Road Trip Sing-a-longs, House Parties, Frisbee Tossing)

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 3

June 23, 2008

Week 3 of our summer-long feature finds us revisiting an old friend.  Just another album that was meant to be listened to in the summer.

Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins

Recommended Activities:  Road Trip Sing-a-longs, House Parties, Frisbee Tossing
So Of Montreal is probably my favorite band.  I say probably only because I really don’t keep track of those sorts of things (odd considering my unwavering affinity for lists), but when browsing through my collection of “Best of” playlists on my Zune, I notice that my Of Montreal list dwarfs the rest of them.  
The Sunlandic Twins is undoubtedly the band’s breakout record, launching them from relative no ones to a roundabout household name (who hasn’t heard the Outback Steakhouse jingle?).  It’s filled with happy, bouncy, and  – as the name would suggest – sunny pop tunes that get stuck in your head and never let go.  “Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games” is the undeniable favorite of every quasi-fan out there, but there’s so much more to hear on this great album!
If summer is all about having fun, then The Sunlandic Twins is a match made in heaven!  Pop it in and prepare for 41 minutes of greatness.  Have that repeat button ready.  You’ll want to listen to this one over and over again.
Key Tracks:
1. “Requiem for O.M.M.2”
2. “Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games”
3. “So Begins Our Alabee”
4. “The Party’s Crashing Us”
5. “Death of a Shade of Hue”
Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)
Week 2 – The Picnic Playlist 

Moods- Unfocused

June 12, 2008

Sometimes you just don’t have the patience or focus for a 18-minute long play epic rock track.  So I’ve made a playlist with 20 songs, none of which are longer than 1:59.  It’ll go by quick, just like you like it to.  Just like this introduction.