Archive for the ‘Moods’ Category

Moods – Introspective

August 13, 2008

Hey, what is this feature?  Oh, it’s Moods, the feature where I pick a specific mood and then build a playlist off of that.  Nice!  I almost forgot it existed.

Ever get in one of those moods where you just have to sit back and self-evaluate; where you sit back and ask yourself those really deep questions that you try to avoid most of the time?  That, friends, is called “introspection” or “the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional process.”  It can be quite helpful in determining who you are, who you want to become, and what you want out of life.  
But introspection has it’s drawbacks too.  For example, I don’t think a person is capable of being introspective when an *Nsync song is playing in the background.  You’ll either a.) start dancing and singing along (guilty), or b.) jump up to turn that shite down!  Either way, you’re getting out of the zone.  To stay in the zone, I usually require a song with no words – an instrumental.  That way,  I’m not distracted by catchy hooks or someone else’s introspective thoughts.
So with that in mind – you guessed it – here’s a playlist of instrumental songs that should keep you in that introspective mood long enough to figure out why exactly you’re still dating that rather annoying, though inexplicably hot girl that you just can’t stand, or why you constantly feel the need to be the center of attention.  Deep stuff, people. Don’t screw it up!

Moods – Patriotic

July 4, 2008

Sometimes you don’t need to wear an American flag lapel pin to show your patriotism.  Sometimes expressing your dislike of unjust wars, or questioning the motives behind those wars is just as patriotic, though probably more so.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Patriotic Playlist.  Full of songs of true patriotism.  Even if some of the artist aren’t from America….

Moods- Unfocused

June 12, 2008

Sometimes you just don’t have the patience or focus for a 18-minute long play epic rock track.  So I’ve made a playlist with 20 songs, none of which are longer than 1:59.  It’ll go by quick, just like you like it to.  Just like this introduction.

Moods – Frenetic

June 5, 2008

I’m doing this week’s Moods all Jill style.  That includes a definition.  That’s what makes it awesome!

Frenetic – adj. – fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.
So if you just so happen to be in a frenetic mood today, here’s a playlist to make sure you stay that way.  Each song has its wild and uncontrolled moments, and each is sure to please.  So enjoy this playlist, person.  I worked hard on it.  Kinda.

Moods – Heartbroken

May 29, 2008

So you’ve just had your heart broken.  What do you do now?  Well, if you’re like most people, you crawl up in the fetal position and listen to some music.  Or you get hammered.  Or you kill yourself.  For the purposes of this post, let’s just say you do the first, okay?  Here’s a playlist to help you in your troubles.  There’s some songs in here that you can totally relate to in your vaginal state.  There’s also a few that should bring a smile to your face.  When it’s all over with, get up and get back out there.  Then come back to this playlist in a few months, or whenever it happens again.  


Moods – Poetic

May 14, 2008

So Death Cab for Cutie Week marches on here at Audio Overflow. Today’s Moods playlist is less a mood and more of an adjective, though I suppose they’re both the same thing. As many of you are well aware of, Ben Gibbard is one of my favorite lyricists of all time. His words can be clever, touching, depressing, and vivid; and they almost never disappoint. So in honor of this man’s pen, I’ve decided to make today’s playlist a collection of what I feel are some of Death Cab for Cutie’s most poetic lyrics. They’re not always the best songs, but these words are beautiful. Hopefully that will be enough for you.

Moods – Whimsical

May 7, 2008

A few weeks back, I posted my “Goofy” playlist.  This week’s playlist is “Whimsical.”  What’s the difference?  Well, for starters, when I think of whimsy, I think childlike or playful.  Goofy can be an assortment of things, but whimsy is always fun!  And who doesn’t love fun?

Moods – Self-Loathing

April 30, 2008

For the most part, I like myself.  I’m a pretty decent person with a pretty decent future, and I write a pretty decent blog about music.  Who couldn’t like that?  Unfortunately folks, there’s a side of me that I just can’t stand: my musical tastes in the past.  The following playlist is not only a playlist of songs that I used to like, or that I used to own, but still own.  Do I still enjoy listening to this stuff?  In a comedic way, yes.  While assembling this list, I literally cracked up several times when thinking about how bad these songs are.  “What If?” is laughably bad, while N.E.R.D. is just downright suckage – but they all have their place in my past, in my life.  I suppose if I ever needed a reason to hate myself, this would be a good place to start.

Moods – Horny

April 23, 2008

Oh yeah.  I’m totally going there.  Let’s face it folks, sometimes you just want to hear some sexy music to play during your sexy times.  So I’ve created a playlist of songs that could all be considered “sexy” (with the exception of song #2, which is just flat out inappropriate).  The next time your lady or man gets that look in their eye, say, “Hold that thought,” run to your computer, pull up this post and turn those speakers up!  Or if you want to add a little something to spice up all that boring internet porn, this should also do the trick.  Oh yeah.  I totally went there.

Moods – Antsy

April 16, 2008

Have you ever just wanted to move? You’ve been sitting at your desk all day, or wasting your Saturday just lounging around. Get up! Go do something! Just move! Me and my restless legs syndrome totally know all about this sensation. Well, as always, I’m here to help you with this most dire of predicaments. Here is a playlist that is almost sure to get you moving. It may make you dance, it may make you bob your head, tap your foot, or defiantly throw a fist in the air. Or it may do all of those. But it will get your antsy ass moving. That’s kinda the point.