Archive for the ‘Joni Mitchell’ Category

29 in 2009 – Joni Mitchell: "Blue"

September 25, 2009
Joni Mitchell:  Blue
Originally Released:  June 1971
Genre:  Folk
Rating:  9 out of 10 Stars

Literally about 30 seconds into my first listen of Blue, I thought to myself, “Wow, if this album continues to go this way, I am going to love the heck out of it!”  The song, “All I Want” is such a gorgeous track, that I thought for sure that it was the highlight of the album.  How, after all, could anything top this?

I was wrong.  Blue is an incredible album from start to finish. 

This is one of those albums that makes me hate my parents.  Not because they were bad parents, mind you; but because when they were too busy introducing me to Michael W. Smith and Carman rather than Joni Mitchell.  I had never heard a Joni Mitchell song before I listened to this album.  That’s sad.  And while I typically adhere to my strict, “I’m not really into folk music” policy, I’ll go ahead and make an exception for this album (and a few others, sure) simply because it’s rather awesome.

My favorite song is “California,” a song so simple, yet so catchy.  James Taylor rocks some mad guitar skills on the song (and elsewhere on the album).  But the true awesomeness comes only from Mitchell, whose child-like voice is perfectly suited for such a pretty song.  The least-favorite goes to the title track, “Blue” where Mitchell shows does perhaps a bit too much with her voice.  But really, that’s the only track on the entire album that isn’t completely awesome.

It started with Nick Drake and it continues with Joni Mitchell.  If this 29 in 2009 series keeps going this way, I may have to rethink my whole “I’m not really into folk music” policy.  Granted, I’m not there yet…but it’s definitely going in that direction.

Verdict:  Classic