Archive for the ‘Indie Gold’ Category

Indie Gold: An Introduction

February 13, 2010

The year, ladies and gentlemen, is 2010.  This means that I’ve been a devoted follower, listener, and fan of indie music for a good six years now.  And truthfully, there’s a lot of great music that I’ve listened to in those six years, much of which I blogged about right here on Audio Overflow.

But there is a gap there, as you might have noticed in my recent Top 50 Albums of the Decade post.  Perhaps you were caught off guard by the surprising lack of several notable, and worthy albums.  This is perfectly understandable.  There is a ton of music that I just never got around to listening to.  A lot of it, I’m told, is amazing.

So it’s time to play catch-up.

In 2010, a large part of my blogging will be aimed at discovering indie gems that I’ve just never heard, or never gave a fair shot.  I’ve decided to call this series, Indie Gold. Sure, this may sound eerily similar to my 29 in 2009 Series (R.I.P.), but there are a few distinct differences.  Perhaps the most important difference will be that I plan on reviewing EVERY album that is featured in the Indie Gold series.  No more half-assed, meandering write-ups!  Just good ol’ fashioned reviewing!  Secondly, I’m not putting a number on this series.  So where last year I had to force myself to listen to 29 albums in a whole year (in addition to everything else I was doing), this one will go on until I decide it’s time to end it.  Hopefully, these two things will make the content of the series something worth reading.

So if you want to make recommendations, please post them in the comments!  I’ve just started listening to Neutral Milk Hotel’s In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, and I love it!  Send me some more suggestions, and keep checking back to see if your recommendations make the cut.