Archive for the ‘Fiona Apple’ Category

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 4

June 30, 2008
Well, I’m back from vacation and things are getting back to normal around here. That means that it’s time for another post for our Perfect Summer Soundtrack series. This week’s post is monsterous!

The 4th of July Party Playlist
America celebrates its independence this Friday, and there will be plenty of festivities to celebrate this occasion. Personally, I’ll probably be laying low. But for those of you out there who are throwing – or attending – a bitchin’ house party, I’ve assembled my largest playlist to date!

88 songs. That’s how long this one is. How that translates into minutes, I have no idea. Though considering how imeem is prone to shorten some songs down to 30-second clips, I’d have to imagine that it would be a bit shorter than some would like. Like any good party mix, it’s filled with upbeat songs (though nothing too overwhelming), conversation-starters (oh, who is this?), and even a few quiet songs that stay out of the way to let you actually have that conversation.

If you happen to be throwing a party this Friday with a bunch of hipsters, plug this one into the stereo system and let me know how it goes. I’m interested in finding out just how amazing this playlist is. Oh, and set it to “shuffle.”

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)
Week 2 – The Picnic Playlist
Week 3 – Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins (Road Trip Sing-a-longs, House Parties, Frisbee Tossing)

Moods – Whimsical

May 7, 2008

A few weeks back, I posted my “Goofy” playlist.  This week’s playlist is “Whimsical.”  What’s the difference?  Well, for starters, when I think of whimsy, I think childlike or playful.  Goofy can be an assortment of things, but whimsy is always fun!  And who doesn’t love fun?

Moods – Horny

April 23, 2008

Oh yeah.  I’m totally going there.  Let’s face it folks, sometimes you just want to hear some sexy music to play during your sexy times.  So I’ve created a playlist of songs that could all be considered “sexy” (with the exception of song #2, which is just flat out inappropriate).  The next time your lady or man gets that look in their eye, say, “Hold that thought,” run to your computer, pull up this post and turn those speakers up!  Or if you want to add a little something to spice up all that boring internet porn, this should also do the trick.  Oh yeah.  I totally went there.

The Top 5 Alternative Rock Albums (Albums 10-6)

March 22, 2008

We’ve made it to the Top 10! In case you’re just joining us, here are some links to get you caught up.

Albums 25-21
Albums 20-16
Albums 15-11

#10 – Radiohead: Kid A (2000)
Cale says: “Kid A was probably the first big release of the internet age in music. As such, it’s often remembered as one of the first albums that absolutely everybody downloaded – song by song, from Napster. Good times! Personally, I remember the album for other reasons: dark, late night road trips, relaxing in bed, making a fool out of myself at some random stoplight in front of perplexed onlookers. Kid A is a brilliant album, and my personal favorite by Radiohead. It definitely deserves a spot on this list!

#9 – Stone Temple Pilots: Purple (1994)
Erin says: “Purple was one of the first alternative albums that I bought, but definitely one of the best. They had several hits from this album and it’s well deserving of its place in the top 25. My only complaint is that their following albums were not as awesome. “

Cale says: “There are a couple of really great songs on this one that just define alternative rock better than any other could. “Vaseline” and “Interstate Love Song” are obvious favorites that have never gotten old at all.

#8 – Beck: Odelay (1996)
Jill says: “I love it because it’s different yet average and doesn’t get to the spectacular point until the end when you’re treated with “High 5 (Rock the Catskills)” and “Ramshackle.””

Erin says: ” Beck, what can I say? You’re Where It’s At…the New Pollution…with a Devil’s Haircut in my mind. OMG that’s not only the cheesiest thing I’ve ever said, but also the most incoherent statement I’ve ever made. Somehow it seems appropriate. I love Beck and Odelay is fantastic! …and did I mention…Beck’s a musical and lyrical genius?”

#7 – Cake: Fashion Nugget (1996)
Erin says: “Who ever though that speaking most of your words to a background of music could be so popular? Well, Cake did, and their fans agreed. Fashion Nugget is not only one of the most fun albums to “speak” along with, but it’s also super entertaining and a really great contribution to the entertainment industry.”

Jill says: “I don’t know what’s better: “Stick Shifts and Safety Belts” with its lyrics that make me think of cars in a whole new way or “I Will Survive”, a version of a classic anthem I like better than the original.”

#6 – Fiona Apple: Tidal (1996)
Jill says: “Tidal is my essential break-up album. It has been since the first time I heard it. Soulful, sexy, angry, deep. It’s good for the girl anger.”

Erin says: “This chick can sing. True the music on this album is not as “trendy” as some of her other music, but it’s all really real, well thought out, and well performed. She not only has an amazing voice, but her lyrics are to her music like syrup is to waffles. One without the other would seem a little strange, but both together leave you wanting more!”

The top 5 will be announced next Saturday. See you then!