Archive for the ‘Cursive’ Category

Worst of 2009: The 5 Biggest Disappointments

December 10, 2009

Every year has its ups and downs, musically. For me, the worst downs are not when a bad album drops, but rather when a bad album that should have been great releases. These are albums from artists who have proven themselves to be capable of something amazing, but have instead opted to phone-in an album or make something so uninspired or bad that listening to it is more of a chore than a joy. 2009 certainly had its share of disappointments. Here are the 5 that really stood out to me.

#5. Our Lady Peace: Burn Burn – Of all the albums on this list, this is the worst. Of course, that doesn’t make it the biggest disappointment of the year, especially considering how bad Our Lady Peace has been over the last decade. But when I heard the band was coming out with a new album, my thoughts immediately went to their work in the 1990s. Heck, Happiness was this blog’s #5 Alternative Album of all freaking time. But alas, what Burn Burn is is a continuation of the band’s post-millennial work, with sappy lyrics and big me sensibilities. Hey, they’re back though. And they’re still better than most modern rock bands. So that’s something I suppose.

#4. Metric: Fantasies – If I seem conflicted on this one, it’s because I am. I mean, there are some fantastic songs on Fantasies, don’t get me wrong. But there are some downright bad ones too. If there’s one thing Metric had never given us in their 10-years of music making it’s a “hit or miss” album. But Fantasies has that locked down!

#3. Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band: Outer South – Wow. Less than a year after they got together to make Oberst’s brilliant self-titled, the Mystic Valley Band released this dud of an album to audiences. Thanks for that, guys. Outer South lacks all the charm, talent, and songwriting skills of its semi-quasi predecessor. That makes it quite the disappoint for yours truly, not to mention all of those other critics out there. With that said, I still must admit to liking “Air Matress.” I mean, that’s just a fun time.

#2. Cursive: Mama, I’m Swollen – I should’ve known something was up when Saddle Creek decided to sell this one for pennies in its opening days. I got mine for $1, which granted, isn’t a bad deal, but still. After 2 amazing albums that really helped define my early adulthood, Cursive dropped this big lo’ pile of mediocrity on us. The first 4 or 5 songs? Solid. The rest? No thanks. It was lacking all the bite, focus, and passion of past Cursive albums, so I stopped listening after 2 weeks or so.

#1. Zero 7: Yeah Ghost – Ugh, guys really? How do you follow up The Garden with this collection of abrasive, ugly pop music sung by the most mediocre of vocalists? Whereas every other album from this duo has been pretty much mellow, electronic pop, Yeah Ghost is just plain annoying. Whether they decided to go in an entirely different direction or just phoned this one in, there’s no denying how awful this album is.

Get Cursive’s New Album on the Cheap!

March 1, 2009

Anybody who has been a longtime reader of Audio Overflow knows two things about me:

  1. I’m a big fan of the band Cursive.
  2. I’m not a big fan of digital media.
Saddle Creek is quickly changing my mind, however, as they’re currently offering up Cursive’s new album, Mama, I’m Swollen, for the ludicrous price of $1. As always, there’s a catch. Here’s what the company has to say:

As of today, March 1st, Mama, I’m Swollen in MP3 format is available for $1
exclusively in the Saddle Creek Online Store.
On March 2nd, it will be $2
March 3rd, $3
March 4th, $4
etc, etc
until March 10th when the record hits the shelves, at which point the MP3
files will remain at their regular price of $9.

This promotion only applies to the digital MP3 version of Mama, I’m
Swollen. CD and Deluxe LP physical editions are also available, and include
an instant MP3 download of the record, deluxe art and a download card for
additional bonus music and videos.

Obviously, this isn’t the best deal in the world (hey, Radiohead and Trent did just give away their shit), but it’s good to see labels getting in on the action. My copy is currently being downloaded, and I can’t wait to hear the end result.

What about you? You hopping on board this one?

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 7

July 21, 2008

Again, I’d like to reiterate that unless you have all of these songs on your iPod or have rigged up some ingenious contraption that allows you to carry your laptop on your bicycle, this playlist may just be a waste of time for you.  At the very least, you can close your eyes and imagine the scene while sitting at your desk.  Totally your call on that one.

The Bike Ride Through the Country Playlist
Allow me to preface this playlist by noting that while I have been through the country, and have in fact ridden a bike, I have yet to combine the two into one awesome, soothing experience.  But having knowledge of both parts of this one activity gives me enough of a reason to post this playlist.  It’s got the predictable highs to keep you going, as well as some accompanying lows that will hopefully allow you to better appreciate your surroundings.  

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)
Week 2 – The Picnic Playlist
Week 3 – Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins (Road Trip Sing-a-longs, House Parties, Frisbee Tossing)
Week 4 – The 4th of July Party Playlist
Week 5 – The Pump Me the F*** Up! Playlist (Mountain Climbing, Fight Clubbing, Wakeboarding, Kayaking, Parachuting, Murdering, Running)
Week 6 – The Elected: Sun Sun Sun (Road Trip)

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 5

July 7, 2008

5 weeks in and I’ve only just come to the conclusion that the traditional idea of summer involves a bunch of outdoor activities.  This makes listening to a playlist almost a completely unreasonable idea, unless you are awesome enough to take me at my word and download all these songs and pop the onto your PMP or iPod-esque device.  And let’s face it, if you were awesome, that’s exactly what you’d be doing.

The “Pump Me the F*** Up!” Playlist
Recommended Activities: Mountain Climbing, Fight Clubbing, Wakeboarding, Kayaking, Parachuting, Murdering, Running
This week, I’ve decided to feature another great playlist.  Its name is taken from my Zune, on which I name my playlists all sorts of clever things.  The “Pump Me the F*** Up!” playlist is the one I listen to when I’m working out, running, or doing anything that requires me to be energetic and focused.  It’s basically a lot of rock music.
And while my playlist also includes some more energetic Mates of State songs and 4 to 5 iterations of “Music is my Hot Hot Sex,” I understand that that may not energize some of the more testosterone-filled readers out there.  So with one exception, the playlist is made up of some pretty rockin’ songs.  They rarely have lulls, and will therefore most certainly rock your balls clean off.
Whether or not you were actually looking for music to do that – well, that’s irrelevant.

Moods – Patriotic

July 4, 2008

Sometimes you don’t need to wear an American flag lapel pin to show your patriotism.  Sometimes expressing your dislike of unjust wars, or questioning the motives behind those wars is just as patriotic, though probably more so.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Patriotic Playlist.  Full of songs of true patriotism.  Even if some of the artist aren’t from America….

Moods- Unfocused

June 12, 2008

Sometimes you just don’t have the patience or focus for a 18-minute long play epic rock track.  So I’ve made a playlist with 20 songs, none of which are longer than 1:59.  It’ll go by quick, just like you like it to.  Just like this introduction.

Moods – Heartbroken

May 29, 2008

So you’ve just had your heart broken.  What do you do now?  Well, if you’re like most people, you crawl up in the fetal position and listen to some music.  Or you get hammered.  Or you kill yourself.  For the purposes of this post, let’s just say you do the first, okay?  Here’s a playlist to help you in your troubles.  There’s some songs in here that you can totally relate to in your vaginal state.  There’s also a few that should bring a smile to your face.  When it’s all over with, get up and get back out there.  Then come back to this playlist in a few months, or whenever it happens again.  


Weekend Recommendations (4/26/08)

April 26, 2008

Cale’s Recommendations

Loney, Dear: Loney, Noir
Buy from Amazon
Loney, Dear’s 2007 North American debut is just as innocently affecting today as it was back then. These songs are timeless works of art, filled with his self-doubt, desperate longings, and honest confessions. I know that a lot of people never really got around to listening to this one, so I’m reminding you and encouraging you to seriously check it out. I still listen to it on a regular basis, after more than a year of solid play. For realsies.

The Cyanide Valentine: The Three Sides of the Cyanide Valentine
Download for Free!

Cursive: Happy Hollow
Buy from Amazon


Erin’s Recommedations

Dream Theater: Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
Buy from Amazon
A strange album choice for a female, I know, but really, it’s pretty interesting. It falls under the genre of “progressive metal”. While not too familiar with the genre, I can tell you that Dream Theater sounds a lot like a mix of Rush and Journey, to me. The vocals are very similar to that of Steve Perry, so if you’re not a fan, I’m not sure how you’d feel about Dream Theater’s vocals. While this is certainly not my favorite album or band, I think they are immensely talented at each one of their crafts. The musicianship is some of the best ever and definitely worth the time it takes to listen to!

Alanis Morisette: Jagged Little Pill
Buy from Amazon

Frank Sinatra: Classic Sinatra: His Greatest Performances (1953-1960)
Buy from Amazon

Sorry for the poor formatting. This is just one of those days where Blogger is not a fun thing to work with.

My Rock Band DLC Wishlist

February 15, 2008

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’m a huge video game nerd and that I have this thing for a little music game called Rock Band.  For those of you who just awoke from a coma, Rock Band is a video game that uses peripherals that mimic the motions of real instruments.  You can sing and play guitar, bass guitar, and drums…kinda.  Hell, you all know what Rock Band is, and if you don’t, just read my lengthy review of it.  Anyhow, one of Rock Band’s cooler features is its downloadable content (DLC); essentially songs that you can download and add to your game.  More often than not, these come in the form of Track Packs, organized by artist.  With that said, let’s get on with it.  The following list is My Rock Band DLC Wishlist.

5:  Band of Horses Pack – Band of Horses are a real rock band.  They don’t play around on their instruments.  They know what they are doing.  However, they’re not going to go off on a 10 minute Dragonforce solo either.  Their music is typically balanced, with equal importance placed on vocals, guitars, and drums.  That’s why I feel like they’d be a perfect fit for Rock Band.  That, and I totally love singing along to this stuff!

Songs Included:

“The General Specific”

“The Funeral”

“Cigarettes, Wedding Bands”

4:  Franz Ferdinand Pack – Admittedly, my fondness of Franz Ferdinand has wavered over the years.  Back in 2004, there was hardly a time when I didn’t have their debut album playing.  But things change, and albums wear out.  Still, that doesn’t mean that I’ll keep them off my list.  Quite simply, Franz has put out some of the most inescapable jams of the last decade.  It’s a shame they’re not already in the game.  Here’s how I’d alleviate that:

Songs Included:

“Take Me Out”

“This Fire”

“Do You Want To?”

3:  Rilo Kiley Pack – It’s no secret that I completely despise Rilo Kiley’s attempt at trying to be Fleetwood Mac.  “Under the Blacklight” is laughably bad, and for all of you reading who were introduced to the band through that album, I apologize on their behalf.  They didn’t mean it.  Believe it or not, if you go back and listen to their earlier albums, there’s quite a collection of indie rock jams.  Nothing too rockin’ and always with a little bit of country, but unabashedly fun tunes nonetheless.  Here are the songs I’d pick to go on such a track pack.

Songs Included:

“Portions for Foxes”

“Science vs. Romance”

“Paint’s Peeling”

2:  Cursive Pack – I am completely unashamed of my girly obsession with Tim Kasher and the guys of Cursive.  It’s indie and emo, but not so emo that you go running for the scissors.  Unlike most emo bands, however, Cursive has talent.  Kasher presents his vocals with such earnestness, such force that your head has no choice but to bang, your hand no choice but to ball into a fist and be thrown into the air repeatedly.  The rest of the band ain’t so bad either.  All Rock Band needs is a cello or brass peripheral.  But then I’d never leave the house.

Songs Included:

“Dorothy at Forty”

“Art is Hard”

“Driftwood: A Fairy Tale”

1:  Muse Pack – I highly doubt that there’s a band out there more suited for Rock Band than Muse.  Their music never fails to disappoint, and they are doubtlessly the most “rockin’” band on this list.  The most difficult thing about putting Muse on the game is deciding which of their countlessly impressive songs should make the cut.  “Knights of Cydonia” is out because it’s already on Guitar Hero III and the vocals are kind of “meh.”  Fortunately, I’ve devised a list so awesomely sinister that the folks at Harmonix can’t help but oblige.  Bwahahaha!

Songs Included:

“Time Is Running Out”

“City of Delusion”

“Citizen Erased”

Oh, and in case you were wondering what all this nonsense sounded like, enjoy this nice little playlist to start off your weekend.  Fellow nerds, I’m wondering.  What songs would you add to Rock Band?

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

January 19, 2008


Tour Dates
