Archive for the ‘Coldplay’ Category

Perfect Summer Soundtrack – Week 11

August 18, 2008

This week, then next week, then no more weeks of the Perfect Summer Soundtrack.  Not really that sad at all, actually.

The High School Friends Playlist
So for a lot of you, summer is a time to leave your college campus and return home for the summer.  And what’s the bast (or worst) part of returning home?  Getting to see all your high school friends again, and being able to reminisce on the “good times.”  Of course, there’s nothing better to help reminisce than all of that shitey music you used to jam to back in your parent’s old Ford Taurus.  
Face it, the music you listened to in high school sucked.  But being the nice guy that I am, I’ve decided to compile a good portion of it here.  The first 8 songs on the playlist are the songs you probably loved in high school.  The rest are what you should’ve been listening to.  More than anything, this just makes me feel old.  When I was in high school, Bill Clinton was still president of the United States and Coldplay was some British band that only my sister’s ex-boyfriend had heard of.  How times change!

Week 1 – Rooney’s Self-Titled Debut (Beach Trip, Road Trip, Skateboarding)
Week 2 – The Picnic Playlist
Week 3 – Of Montreal: The Sunlandic Twins (Road Trip Sing-a-longs, House Parties, Frisbee Tossing)
Week 4 – The 4th of July Party Playlist
Week 5 – The Pump Me the F*** Up! Playlist (Mountain Climbing, Fight Clubbing, Wakeboarding, Kayaking, Parachuting, Murdering, Running)
Week 6 – The Elected: Sun Sun Sun (Road Trip)
Week 7 – The Bike Ride Through the Country Playlist
Week 8 – Incubus: Morning View (Skateboarding, Surfing, Beach Trip, Road Trip)
Week 9 – The Water Aerobics Playlist

Week 10 – The Boy Least Likely To: The Best Party Ever (Hipster Parties, Road Trip, Biking, Frisbee-Tossing, and Running Through Sprinklers)