Archive for the ‘Beck’ Category

My Top 5 Customized Ringtones

April 4, 2008

I swear there’s nothing worse than hearing a bad ringtone.  And it’s not even the polyphonic ones that suck nowadays (remember when monophonic ringtones were around?).  No, the ringtones that really bother me are the ones that are the phone-owner’s personal favorite songs.  A few weeks ago I was out with some friends.  This girl’s phone started ringing and we were all unwillingly forced to listen to “Don’t Stop the Music” by Rihanna through a terrible cell phone speaker.  

Personally, I’ve never been a fan of listening to bad music through a bad source.  That’s why I make sure that every cell phone I buy allows me to import my own custom MP3s to use as ringtones.  That way I’m able to take my favorite songs by my favorite artists, and use short clips that I know will sound decent when someone calls in.  I try to make them pretty unidentifiable and vague.  No lyrics, nothing obnoxious; just good sounds.  Here are my Top 5 Customized Ringtones.  Feel free to add them to your phone as well.
#5:  Beck – “Girl” (0:01 to 0:012) – If you can ever find bloops and bleeps that are not overpowered by heavy drums or vocals, chances are it’d make a good ringtone.  The electronic intro to Beck’s song “Girl” from the album, Guero, is pretty much begging to be a ring tone.  It won’t sound good looped, but hopefully you’ll pick up after 12 seconds.  Otherwise, you’re probably not worth calling to begin with.
#4:  The Flaming Lips – “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1” (0:01 to 0:24) – This is another intro to another great song, and if you’re at all familiar with this song you know the part I’m talking apart.  There’s a really cool acoustic guitar rhythm with some great effects added to it.  About halfway through this section, some slight drums kick in and there’s even some Japanese being spoken.  I had this one as my ringtone for a while and people totally thought I was the bomb at the waiting room in the Doctor’s Office.  Just sayin’…
#3:  The Postal Service – “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight” (2:43 to 3:07) – During the instrumental bridge to this classic opener from The Postal Service’s album, Give Up, there’s a very catchy little “ditty” that begins playing.  That’s what this is.  This one has been on every phone I’ve had since 2004 and I don’t anticipate taking it off anytime soon.  The trick is to add a short, half-second fade-in at the very beginning.  That way, everything sounds flawless.
#2:  Field Music – “Working to Work” (0:01 to 0:16) – In March of 2007, I purchased a Samsung BlackJack and immediately went about looking for a new ringtone.  I landed on this one, which I’ve kept ever since.  This happy little acoustic guitar jingle is perfect for a ringtone because it’s very clean-sounding and there’s a slight pause at the end of the 16 seconds so you won’t have to do any strenuous editing.  The only downside is that you don’t get to hear the rest of the song…which is awesome.
#1:  The Postal Service – “Brand New Colony” (0:02 to 0:07) – If you know The Postal Service, you know this song.  If you know this song, then you know the little synth line that begins at the beginning of this song by heart.  This short, sub 5-second clip is not ideal for a standard ringtone, but I’ve used it for text message and voice mail alerts for years now.  I don’t know what I’d do without it!  It’s short, sweet, and totally awesome.  Plus, if you happen to be within earshot of an attractive Postal Service fan, this one’s pretty much the best ice breaker ever.  Too bad that never happens.  *sigh*

The Top 5 Alternative Rock Albums (Albums 10-6)

March 22, 2008

We’ve made it to the Top 10! In case you’re just joining us, here are some links to get you caught up.

Albums 25-21
Albums 20-16
Albums 15-11

#10 – Radiohead: Kid A (2000)
Cale says: “Kid A was probably the first big release of the internet age in music. As such, it’s often remembered as one of the first albums that absolutely everybody downloaded – song by song, from Napster. Good times! Personally, I remember the album for other reasons: dark, late night road trips, relaxing in bed, making a fool out of myself at some random stoplight in front of perplexed onlookers. Kid A is a brilliant album, and my personal favorite by Radiohead. It definitely deserves a spot on this list!

#9 – Stone Temple Pilots: Purple (1994)
Erin says: “Purple was one of the first alternative albums that I bought, but definitely one of the best. They had several hits from this album and it’s well deserving of its place in the top 25. My only complaint is that their following albums were not as awesome. “

Cale says: “There are a couple of really great songs on this one that just define alternative rock better than any other could. “Vaseline” and “Interstate Love Song” are obvious favorites that have never gotten old at all.

#8 – Beck: Odelay (1996)
Jill says: “I love it because it’s different yet average and doesn’t get to the spectacular point until the end when you’re treated with “High 5 (Rock the Catskills)” and “Ramshackle.””

Erin says: ” Beck, what can I say? You’re Where It’s At…the New Pollution…with a Devil’s Haircut in my mind. OMG that’s not only the cheesiest thing I’ve ever said, but also the most incoherent statement I’ve ever made. Somehow it seems appropriate. I love Beck and Odelay is fantastic! …and did I mention…Beck’s a musical and lyrical genius?”

#7 – Cake: Fashion Nugget (1996)
Erin says: “Who ever though that speaking most of your words to a background of music could be so popular? Well, Cake did, and their fans agreed. Fashion Nugget is not only one of the most fun albums to “speak” along with, but it’s also super entertaining and a really great contribution to the entertainment industry.”

Jill says: “I don’t know what’s better: “Stick Shifts and Safety Belts” with its lyrics that make me think of cars in a whole new way or “I Will Survive”, a version of a classic anthem I like better than the original.”

#6 – Fiona Apple: Tidal (1996)
Jill says: “Tidal is my essential break-up album. It has been since the first time I heard it. Soulful, sexy, angry, deep. It’s good for the girl anger.”

Erin says: “This chick can sing. True the music on this album is not as “trendy” as some of her other music, but it’s all really real, well thought out, and well performed. She not only has an amazing voice, but her lyrics are to her music like syrup is to waffles. One without the other would seem a little strange, but both together leave you wanting more!”

The top 5 will be announced next Saturday. See you then!

Moods – Temperamental

January 10, 2008

No time like the present to introduce the new feature, Moods. It’s a simple concept: I have a mood, I have a play list. I provide it for you, the dear, attentive reader. (You are dear and attentive aren’t you?) I’ve armed myself with a very long list of every type of mood conceivable and I plan to use it. You’ve been warned…

On with the show, to borrow a quote.

Today’s mood: Temperamental.

According to Webster’s, temperamental means:
1. Having or exhibiting a strongly marked, individual temperament.

2. Moody, irritable, or sensitive.

3. Given to erratic behavior.

4. Excitable, volatile, emotional

It’s a little…generic. Broad, maybe. Yet, temperamental is the mood I find myself in as of late. “Excitable, volatile, emotional” seem to fit, so temperamental it is. Am I happy? Am I sad? Am I bouncy? What am I? Temperamental. I’m up, I’m down, I’m all around, hard to nail to one thing. These 11 songs are my temperamental mood. Enjoy. (Oh, and should you have a mood you’d like me to create a play list for, by all means, let me know.)