Archive for the ‘Band of Horses’ Category

Video of the Week – Week 80

July 23, 2008

“No One’s Gonna Love You” by Band of Horses, from the album, Cease to Begin.

Moods – Heartbroken

May 29, 2008

So you’ve just had your heart broken.  What do you do now?  Well, if you’re like most people, you crawl up in the fetal position and listen to some music.  Or you get hammered.  Or you kill yourself.  For the purposes of this post, let’s just say you do the first, okay?  Here’s a playlist to help you in your troubles.  There’s some songs in here that you can totally relate to in your vaginal state.  There’s also a few that should bring a smile to your face.  When it’s all over with, get up and get back out there.  Then come back to this playlist in a few months, or whenever it happens again.  


Weekend Recommendations (4/18/08)

April 19, 2008

Cale’s Recommendations

Of Montreal: The Gay Parade
Buy from Amazon | Insound

Today’s mention of Sgt. Pepper’s got me to thinking about my generation’s Sgt. Pepper’s. While nowhere near as influential or important, The Gay Parade features all the drug-induced fun of supposed classic. Trust me when I say that this is a very weird, but very cool album.

M83: Saturdays=Youth
Buy from Amazon | Buy from Insound

The Grass Roots: 20th Century Masters – Best of the Grass Roots
Buy from Amazon | Buy from Insound


Erin’s Recommendations

Band of Horses: Cease to Begin
Buy from Amazon | Insound

Cease to Begin is an amazing album. It’s got a multitude of sounds. For real… Sometimes it sounds like you are listening to some weird country band and at other times, the lead vocals resemble Ozzy Osbourne. It is a complete roller coaster of a ride from start to finish, but pure brilliance the entire way through. Where else can you get this kind of musical genius? Only in America, mi compadres.

Marty Casey and the Lovehammers: Marty Casey and the Lovehammers
Buy from Amazon | Buy from Insound

Imogen Heap: Speak for Yourself
Buy from Amazon | Buy from Insound

What do you recommend?

Moods – Depressed

April 3, 2008

There’s a difference between being sad and being depressed, and that mostly has to do with the state of mind of the individual. You see, when you’re sad, you typically want to be happy. However, when you’re depressed it often means that you’re more than willing to stay in that state of depression. Of course, I’m speaking specifically of the “teenage angst” form of depression and not the more serious medical condition.

So for all those teens out there who are willfully depressed for the attention they receive, here is a playlist to feed that depression. Just what Dr. Cale ordered! There are some songs to make you numb, some that make you angry, but all of them should do the trick!

My Rock Band DLC Wishlist

February 15, 2008

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’m a huge video game nerd and that I have this thing for a little music game called Rock Band.  For those of you who just awoke from a coma, Rock Band is a video game that uses peripherals that mimic the motions of real instruments.  You can sing and play guitar, bass guitar, and drums…kinda.  Hell, you all know what Rock Band is, and if you don’t, just read my lengthy review of it.  Anyhow, one of Rock Band’s cooler features is its downloadable content (DLC); essentially songs that you can download and add to your game.  More often than not, these come in the form of Track Packs, organized by artist.  With that said, let’s get on with it.  The following list is My Rock Band DLC Wishlist.

5:  Band of Horses Pack – Band of Horses are a real rock band.  They don’t play around on their instruments.  They know what they are doing.  However, they’re not going to go off on a 10 minute Dragonforce solo either.  Their music is typically balanced, with equal importance placed on vocals, guitars, and drums.  That’s why I feel like they’d be a perfect fit for Rock Band.  That, and I totally love singing along to this stuff!

Songs Included:

“The General Specific”

“The Funeral”

“Cigarettes, Wedding Bands”

4:  Franz Ferdinand Pack – Admittedly, my fondness of Franz Ferdinand has wavered over the years.  Back in 2004, there was hardly a time when I didn’t have their debut album playing.  But things change, and albums wear out.  Still, that doesn’t mean that I’ll keep them off my list.  Quite simply, Franz has put out some of the most inescapable jams of the last decade.  It’s a shame they’re not already in the game.  Here’s how I’d alleviate that:

Songs Included:

“Take Me Out”

“This Fire”

“Do You Want To?”

3:  Rilo Kiley Pack – It’s no secret that I completely despise Rilo Kiley’s attempt at trying to be Fleetwood Mac.  “Under the Blacklight” is laughably bad, and for all of you reading who were introduced to the band through that album, I apologize on their behalf.  They didn’t mean it.  Believe it or not, if you go back and listen to their earlier albums, there’s quite a collection of indie rock jams.  Nothing too rockin’ and always with a little bit of country, but unabashedly fun tunes nonetheless.  Here are the songs I’d pick to go on such a track pack.

Songs Included:

“Portions for Foxes”

“Science vs. Romance”

“Paint’s Peeling”

2:  Cursive Pack – I am completely unashamed of my girly obsession with Tim Kasher and the guys of Cursive.  It’s indie and emo, but not so emo that you go running for the scissors.  Unlike most emo bands, however, Cursive has talent.  Kasher presents his vocals with such earnestness, such force that your head has no choice but to bang, your hand no choice but to ball into a fist and be thrown into the air repeatedly.  The rest of the band ain’t so bad either.  All Rock Band needs is a cello or brass peripheral.  But then I’d never leave the house.

Songs Included:

“Dorothy at Forty”

“Art is Hard”

“Driftwood: A Fairy Tale”

1:  Muse Pack – I highly doubt that there’s a band out there more suited for Rock Band than Muse.  Their music never fails to disappoint, and they are doubtlessly the most “rockin’” band on this list.  The most difficult thing about putting Muse on the game is deciding which of their countlessly impressive songs should make the cut.  “Knights of Cydonia” is out because it’s already on Guitar Hero III and the vocals are kind of “meh.”  Fortunately, I’ve devised a list so awesomely sinister that the folks at Harmonix can’t help but oblige.  Bwahahaha!

Songs Included:

“Time Is Running Out”

“City of Delusion”

“Citizen Erased”

Oh, and in case you were wondering what all this nonsense sounded like, enjoy this nice little playlist to start off your weekend.  Fellow nerds, I’m wondering.  What songs would you add to Rock Band?

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

January 26, 2008



Tour Dates

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

January 19, 2008


Tour Dates


The Top 31 of 2007 – #6

December 26, 2007

Cale’s Pick
Band of Horses: Cease to Begin
Released: October 9, 2007
It could, and has, been said that Band of Horses is a band that should not exist. The argument most often goes a little somthing like this: “They sound exactly like My Morning Jacket, The Shins, etc.” It’s a valid argument. They do sound a lot like My Morning Jacket. The question I have is, what’s so wrong with sounding like other great bands, especially when you have the talent and content to distance yourself from them? You see, even though Band of Horses may not sound like the most original band out there, Ben Bridwell’s lyrics put most other bands to shame, his voice blows away My Morning Jacket, and the actual talent that the rest of the band has on their respective instruments should silence anyone who says they’re just ganking on other bands’ styles. It’s one thing to have Nickleback come out, suck up a storm, and then have every other band try to mimic that for a decade, it’s another to just coincidentally have a similar sound and yet hold your own entirely. I’m defending this band, and this album, for a reason. That reason is because Cease to Begin is absolutely gorgeous, and 100% enjoyable for almost anyone. It is a masterpiece of indie and southern rock, and will be getting regular plays from me well into 2008 and probably beyond.

They’re #6 for a reason people. It’s because they’re amazing!
The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #6
“No One’s Gonna Love You” by Band of Horses, from the album, Cease to Begin.

Jill’s Pick
Mary J. Blige: Growing Pains
Released: December 18, 2007

It took me a really long time to like (let alone appreciate) Mary J. Blige. I dismissed her casually without much thought. Then someone gave me a copy of “The Breakthrough” and said I should give her another chance and I did. I’m glad I finally paid attention because really, the woman is the Queen of Hip/Hop Soul. Not all of her stuff is great, but what there is that is fantastic is mind blowing.

What I like about Mary J. Blige is she’s had a rough life but she’s made the best of it. And from that rough life, she knows exactly who she was, who she is, and who she will be. I admire that.

There’s not much to say about this album. There are stand out tracks. There are songs that have a Disco feel to them. There are songs to make you happy, songs to make you sad, slow jams for long make out sessions. Everyone from NeYo to Ludacris to Tricky appears on this album, but you never forget it’s Mary J. Blige that you’re listening to.

My favorite track: the Michael Jackson sounding “Just Fine”

Songs you should give a listen to:
–“Just Fine”
–“Work That”
–“Hurt Again”
–“Til’ The Morning”
–“Fade Away”
–“Talk to Me”
–“Hello It’s Me”

Top 5 Albums Under $10 on

November 23, 2007

It’s Black Friday, folks! That means one of two things: 1.) you’re an idiot and you’re probably standing in long lines freezing your extremities off, or 2.) you’re a rational human being and you decided to be more productive with your time (that includes sleeping in). Me? I’m at work. And if I’m at work on a Friday, that can only mean that it’s time for another Top 5 Friday! Staying with the spirit of Black Friday, today’s list is the Top 5 Albums Under $10 on If you have a hipster on your holiday shopping list, you may want to perk up for a few minutes. These are some albums that I highly recommend!

#5: The Pipettes: We Are the Pipettes ($9.98) – If the hipster on your list is a 16-year old girl, or a horny 14-year old boy, you can’t go wrong with The Pipettes. Of course, they could also just be a fan of Motown and classic pop music. Whatever profile your hipster fits, The Pipettes are sure to please. These 3 British beauties will sing their way into that part of your mind where songs go to become annoyingly catchy. You know, the place where you can’t get them out of your head even if you try. It’s kind of a good thing, unless you’re trying to fall asleep. Then you want nothing more than to take the CD and stick it in the microwave…which is also cool!

#4: The New Pornographers: Challengers ($9.97) – In terms of musicianship, lyricism, and overall likability; no one outdoes The New Pornographers. Their newest album, Challengers, may not be as immediately enthralling as their previous albums, but it is just as amazing! Neko Case and A.C. Newman will pull at your heartstrings with their back-and-forth vocals while Dan Bejar provides more WTF-inducing moments than any other artist in recent memory. The rest of the band ain’t too shabby either. While the drumming (or music in general) isn’t near as forceful as it was on Twin Cinema, each member of this band plays their part to perfection. The end result is a fantastic assortment of indie rock and power pop that anybody will enjoy!

#3: Of Montreal: Satanic Panic in the Attic ($9.97) – I’m well aware of the fact that most Of Montreal “fans” have yet to listen to any of the band’s pre-Sunlandic Twins albums. Idiots! Satanic Panic in the Attic is not only the best album in Of Montreal’s expansive catalog (arguably), but it’s one of the best indie pop/rock records of the last decade! The band only flirts with electronics here, as opposed to the hot and heavy make-out sessions found on their previous two albums. “Disconnect the Dots” is a clear segue to their new sound, but the rest of the album is a masterpiece of indie rock. Songs range from bizarre sing-alongs (“Rapture Rapes the Muses”) to guitar-heavy retro rockers (“Vegan in Furs”). The bottom line is, buy it!

#2: LCD Soundsystem: Sound of Silver ($7.99) – It’s nominated for a few Cale Awards for a reason folks. And while it may be a bit behind the competition at this point, LCD Soundsystem’s second album was one of 2007’s biggest and best surprises. James Murphy not only refined his sound, but he improved upon it, giving us all something that we can dance to without feeling like a mindless clubber. It’s smart, witty, sometimes insightful, but always enjoyable, and something that anybody with a penchant for dancing will enjoy! Plus, it’s only $8.

#1: Band of Horses: Cease to Begin ($8.99) – One of 2007’s best indie rock albums is also one of the cheapest! People may have given it a hard time for sounding exactly like their last album, but I’ve never heard that one, so I’m still loving the hell out of Cease to Begin. The great thing about this one is that anyone can enjoy it. It’s been out for over a month, and I have yet to talk to someone who outright hates it. Even my dad likes it! Usually he’s morally opposed to anything that doesn’t have the name “Jesus” in the title. Not so with Band of Horses. If you’ve got someone on your list that listens to real music (not Britney Spears or Nickelback), you can’t go wrong with this one. Guaranteed!

Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

November 18, 2007

Honestly, who doesn’t love last week’s news?


Tour Dates


Sweet! See you tomorrow!