The Top 50 Albums of the Last Decade – A Teaser

Oh sure, everyone else was posting their “Best of the ’00s” list months ago.  Not me, though.  I like to wait things out, let things settle, and meditate on all the wonderful music that the last decade hath wrought.  How long does such an endeavor last?  About 20 days apparantly, because I just finished compiling the Top 50 Albums of the Last Decade!

As a teaser to the reveal of the list (which should appear as soon as I write 50 paragraphs about said albums), I’ve included this modified version of the Top 10 to whet your appetite.  Any guesses as to what these 10 albums may be (#5 should be easy to guess)?  Include your guesses in the comments, and we’ll see who gets what right when the final list is revealed soon.

Until then, peace out! 


#  Artist Name:  “Album Name”  (Year Released)

1.  ___ ______ _______:  “____ __” (2003)

2.  ______ _______:  “________” (2005)

3.  ___ _____: ” ______ ___ ______” (2003)

4.  ___ _______:  “____ ______” (2002)

5.  _________:  “___ _” (2000)

6.  __ ________:  “_______ _____ __ ___ _____” (2004)

7.  ___:  “_________ _ _____” (2008)

8.  _____ _____:  “_____ __ ____” (2007)

9.  ____:  “__________” (2003)

10.  ___ ____ _____:  “_______ ___ ____” (2005)

One Response to “The Top 50 Albums of the Last Decade – A Teaser”

  1. 衣服 Says:


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