Check Out (Pretty) Girls & Lasers – Tonight in NYC!

If I’m going to be completely honest with all of you, I’m going to tell you that for the most part, I’m not a fan of crazy all-night dance parties.  Loud, mostly awful music, mixed by douchey DJs and soaked up by trashy girls isn’t something I get into.  Forgive me.

But there are exceptions.  Enter (Pretty Girls) & Lasers, two guys who happen to make some incredible mixes with tunes that even I enjoy listening to.  I was skeptical, of course, when they first emailed me about their music, but after listening to their new hour-long mix on their website, I’m sold!

The duo will be in East Village tonight at Arlo & Esme to show off their skills for all in attendance.  There is free entry to anyone who RSVPs on the PG&L website, and $5 vodka drinks all night long.  Not bad for a Wednesday!

If you’re in NYC tonight and want to dance your (pretty) little behind off, I highly recommend you check it out!  Thanks for the tip, guys.  Keep up the good work!
Cale out.

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