Win a Copy of Wallpaper’s Debut Album, Doodoo Face and a T-Shirt!

Long time readers of the blog will know that I’m a huge fan of Oakland pop/soul group, Wallpaper and that I’m crazy-excited over the release of Doodoo Face, their debut LP.  Now, it’s time for YOU to get excited, because Audio Overflow is giving away a copy of Doodoo Face and a Wallpaper t-shirt courtesy of Eenie Meenie Records!

That’s right, folks!  Whereas I paid good money for a pre-order of this hotly anticipated release, you can get Doodoo Face and a totally rad, pharoah-themed shirt for absolutely nothing!

To enter, send an email to with “Wallpaper” in the subject line.  Include your shirt size and contact information in the body of the message, and keep an eye on Audio Overflow for the winner to be announced on Monday, September 21, 2009. 

More details, official rules, and privacy policy are below.  Good luck everybody!

Audio Overflow Wallpaper. Giveaway!

What’s Up for Grabs?
1 copy of the Wallpaper. album, Doodoo Face, and
1 Wallpaper. Pharoah Tee
Official Rules:
  1. To enter the Wallpaper Giveaway Contest, send an email to with the following information:
    • Your First and Last Name
    • Primary E-Mail Address
    • Mailing Address where we can send you your prize if you win
    • Your t-shirt size (Adult S, M, L, and XL ONLY)
    • Be sure to enter “Wallpaper” in the Subject Line of your E-mail
  2. The contest will end at 11:59p (Central Standard Time) on Sunday, September 20, 2009.  You will be initially contacted on Monday morning (please provide an E-Mail address to which you can be reached at this time).
  3. The winner of the contest will be chosen at random by the Audio Overflow staff.  Only one entrant will win this contest.
  4. Upon winning the contest, you will be contacted by a member of the Audio Overflow staff via E-Mail.  Should we be unable to contact you after a reasonable amount of time, we will move on to the next person selected at random.
  5. Audio Overflow will share your mailing address to Eenie Meenie Records, who will ship the package to you promptly.  Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Privacy Policy:
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will Audio Overflow provide your E-mail address to third parties.  In fact, we’ll probably delete it it from our E-Mail after this is all over with.  Eenie Meenie Records will only have access to the mailing address of the winner of this contest, and for the sole purpose of getting the prize to the intended recipient.  Trust us, your personal information is of the utmost importance to us.  It’s not going anywhere.

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