Get Yr Doo Doo Face On!

I try to treat all bands equally – I really do – but sometimes the prejudice side of me just comes out. It’s in situations such as these that I like to give special treatments to bands that I absolutely “luuuuuv.” Exhibit A: that Top 40 List of Of Montreal songs from last year. Exhibit B: this shameless plugging of the new Wallpaper album, DooDoo Face.

Wallpaper, the Oakland R&B/Pop duo has been a staple on my iPod for the last year or so, ever since I got a promo copy of their T-Rex EP. I had to go out and buy the somewhat disappoint remix album myself, and this morning I paid for a copy of the first single from DooDoo Face, titled “I’ve Got Soul, I’m So Wasted.” The song was just released today on iTunes for the obvious price of $.99 and it was well worth the price.

Yeah, I know this sounds like I’m being paid to write this up. I’m not. Actually, I’m just really psyched about this album, and I think more people need to know about this group!! Do yourself a favor and download the T-Rex EP and the new single from iTunes. It won’t put you back too far, and you’ll listen to it for ages! Pinky promise.

Various Wallpaper items below…

Tour Dates:
08/21/09 – San Diego, CA @ Casbah
08/22/09 – Los Angeles, CA @ Blow Up LA (3 Year Anniversary Party)
08/28/09 – Las Vegas, NV @ Beauty Bar
08/29/09 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Standard (DIM MAK Pool Party)
09/04/09 – Oakland, CA @ Art Murmur (FREE SHOW)
09/18/09 – Edmonton, AB @ Pawn Shop
09/19/09 – Clagary, AB @ Hifi Club
09/23/09 – San Diego, CA @ Beauty Bar (DOODOO FACE Release Party)
09/25/09 – Hollwood, CA @ Bardot (DOODOO FACE Release Party)
09/26/09 – San Francisco, CA @ Rickshaw Stop (DOODOO FACE Release Party)
10/01/09 – Austin, TX @ Beauty Bar (ACL Pre-Party)
10/03/09 – Brooklyn, NY @ Cameo Gallery (DOODOO FACE Release Party)

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