29 in 2009: Cast Your Vote for the Final 9 Albums!

[UPDATE:] I’ve fixed the 3rd poll. You can now choose up to 3, rather than just 1.

It’s time, folks! If you recall, back in May I asked the readers of Audio Overflow which albums should I feature in the final 9 entries in the 29 in 2009 series. Below it the fruit of your labor…another opportunity for you to decide which albums will be chosen. Granted, this time things will be a bit more definite, but still.

So the rules are easy. Pick up to 3 albums in each of the polls below. The 9 albums with the highest votes will be entered into the 29 in 2009 series. In the event of a tie, I’ll be the deciding vote.

So get to clickin’, people. Voting ends when it ends. And remember, an artist will only appear once in this series, so vote for your favorite Pink Floyd album…not all of them!

Online Surveys & Market Research

Online Surveys & Market Research

Online Surveys & Market Research

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