Is Audio Overflow Back?

The numbers seem to point that way. Back in June of last year, our numbers (# of visitors, visits, new visitors) peaked, leading to a slow decline month after month…until this whole “29 in 2009” reared its head.

Despite the lack of daily updates and weekly reviews on all the big releases, 2009 is shaping up to be the most-trafficked month in the blog’s 3-year history. March 2009 has already dwarfed June 2009 in numbers, and this past week (ending March 28) is the most popular week on Audio Overflow ever! You’d have to go back to August 2007 (the week of 3 big reviews: MIA’s Kala, The New Pornographers’ Challengers, and Rilo Kiley’s Under the Blacklight) to find anything close to the traffic we pulled in this week. Apparently, people are taking notice of The Decemberists. A good thing…

Does any of this mean anything to you, the reader? Probably not. But sometimes a guy just needs to toot his own horn a little bit to justify the work that he’s doing. Speaking of that work, expect the next update to the 29 in 2009 series to come sometime in the next few days. Until then, take care and thank you for your continued – though questionable – support of Audio Overflow.

2 Responses to “Is Audio Overflow Back?”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I’m really happy for you, man. You deserve all the attention. Your posts are always good reads, and the whole “29 in 2009”-concept was brilliant. Plus the reviews are (almost) always spot on. Will be nice to hear your opinions of the new St. Vincent album coming up.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Love this blog, great taste and knowledge of music. Glad that you’re back!

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