Have you ever purchased an album based solely on an Audio Overflow review?

This week’s poll has closed. Let’s view the results, shall we?

Yes! Yes! Yes! (50%)
No! No! No! (50%)

As things start to wrap up here at Audio Overflow, I’ve become increasingly curious as to how helpful I’ve been as a writer. My Amazon.com ratings put me at about a 71% helpful rating, which I can live with. But this blog gets way less hits per day (a few hundred, generally), and most of those are from non-regulars. According to the weekly polls, my regulars are only about 10-15 people. Ouch. Anyhow, I’m interested to know how you regulars voted. Do you remember a specific album that I reviewed that led you to purchase it? Did the inclusion of the word “solely” in the poll question affect your voting? Let me know for old times’ sake.

Due to – umm – circumstances, there won’t be another poll this week or, you know, ever probably. Things will conclude tomorrow with a few last-minute posts.

Until then…

One Response to “Have you ever purchased an album based solely on an Audio Overflow review?”

  1. Zac Says:

    i have. i pretty much buy any album you tell me i should.

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