Radiohead Tour Begins – Are You Going?

Image Courtesy of Pitchfork Media

Well it’s finally begun. After several months of anticipation, us North Americans are finally able to enjoy a little bit of Radiohead action in a live setting. The tour, which began last night and will continue for the next month or so, is sold out pretty much everywhere. That leaves me to ask, are YOU going to any of the shows?

Here’s another question: would you like to? I’ve got two reserved seats for the Houston, TX show up for auction right now on eBay, and for the right price, they could have your name on it! They’re not pit tickets (I’m not a miracle worker…or millionaire), but they’re not too shabby either. If you’re interested, head over to the auction page and check to see how things are going. The bidding will end sometime Thursday morning, so there’s not much time to snatch these things up.

And hey, even if you’re not going, Audio Overflow will definitely have some coverage for you on the 18th of May. That’s almost like going. Possibly better.

2 Responses to “Radiohead Tour Begins – Are You Going?”

  1. JD Says:

    You mean to say that you are not going to just give me one!?!?!?!? I am hurt, deeply hurt.

  2. Cale Says:

    But the back, and the kid, and the money…I would’ve liked to, but alas, I cannot. My condolences.

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