Submitting Your Music to Audio Overflow

LAST UPDATED: July 6, 2008

Hey there! My name is Cale, and I am the creator and Editor in Chief of Audio Overflow. That’s a fancy way of saying that I started this blog and run the day to day operations. I appreciate your interest in the site, and I would hope that we share the same goal of getting quality music into the ears of people who may not have heard it otherwise. Below you’ll find Audio Overflow’s policy on music submission. Please read it over and decide whether or not you feel Audio Overflow can be of service to you.

Submission Policy

At Audio Overflow, we try to be as helpful to artists and labels as we can. As such, we offer a variety of services to ensure that your music can be discovered by our readers.

Formal Review – As a general rule, we only offer formal reviews on music contained on a physical medium (CDs, Vinyl, etc.). We do not accept CD-Rs, as all submitted music must be professionally pressed and freely available for our readers to purchase and/or obtain from an online or “brick and mortar” retailer. Out of appreciation, Audio Overflow has reviewed every CD sent to us so far (minus a few that are coming soon), and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Please alert us via email when you send us a CD for review, so that we may contact you if there are any problems. As of July 6, 2008, CDs will only be reviewed if they have been preceded by an email. For an example of a Formal Review, click HERE.

myspace music monday – Every Monday, Audio Overflow casually reviews the songs from an independent artist’s myspace page. This is a great way for unsigned or up-and-coming artists to expand their listener base, and for our readers to discover new music. If you do not have professionally-made CDs to send Audio Overflow, I highly recommend that you get in touch with us to see if we can spotlight your music. In the past, artists have found this feature helpful in determining what works with their music and what doesn’t. Due to the sheer magnitude of artists on myspace, we can’t guarantee that your music will wind up being featured on Audio Overflow, but we will try our best to do so. To get started, send us an email, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. For an example of a myspace music monday entry, click HERE.

MP3 Submissions – We are currently in the process of finding a host for audio files so that we can freely distribute them through Audio Overflow. In the coming months, we will begin hosting free, legal MP3s for our listeners to download. We really do need your help in this endeavor. If you have MP3s that you’d like our listeners to hear, please send them to us in an email as a link or an attachment. They will be featured on our site as soon as we get hosting worked out.

Contact Information


Mailing Address:

Audio Overflow
Cale Reneau
900 Chateau Woods Parkway Dr.
Conroe, TX 77385

Again, we ask that you always contact us by email before sending a package our way so that we may inform you of any problems. If you have any questions, we’d be happy to answer them. Just send us an email, and we’ll get back to you.

Thanks again, for your interest in Audio Overflow. We look forward to hearing you (Get it? ‘Cause we’ll be listening to your music! You won’t get comedic gems like that at other sites. That much I can guarantee.).


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