myspace music monday: Dictaphone Blues

The last time we took a virtual stroll through New Zealand, I wound up hearing a little band called “Teacups.” Well, Teacups is still the bomb, but I came across someone else with an entirely different sound that also happens to be awesome. Check it out.

Dictaphone Blues

Genres: Indie/Electro/Pop
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Band Members: Edward Thomas Castlelow
Influences: People that listen more than they talk, Morgan Schroeder, Christine Castelow, Sandringham Rd traffic on a wet day, The Jubbley Spufflewupps and anyone that is nice to me.

The Short of It: Charming indie pop music with jaw-droppingly awesome vocals.

“Your Eating is You” – The actual title to this song should be “You’re Eating is You,” which, honestly, should’ve been enough for me to leave this dude’s page and forget it forever. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that until I had already fallen in love with it. Edward sings passionately and confidently, and his vocals are probably a bit too front-heavy. Still the song is a blast to listen to, with a catchy, sing along melody and harmonies that challenge the likes of Field Music or Queen. This song is somewhere between the former and Belle and Sebastian. I can’t download the song to place on Audio Overflow, but you should totally listen to it!

“Lantern” – Edward’s vocals are once again the best part of this song, most notably in the chorus when he’s playfully singing “I won’t ever see until I hold a lantern.” The song has a very groovy vibe to it that makes me want to compare it to some of Spoon’s music…like “Rhythm and Soul.” I’m totally digging this one.

“About 8 Hours” – This song is the only ballad featured on the page. After about 3 listens, I’ve decided that I’m not the biggest fan of it. It features some pretty decent production, but Edward seems less sure of his vocals, probably because a decent vocal melody never really enters the picture. It’s the polar opposite to “You’re Eating is You.”

The Long of It: There’s a ton of potential here, and even more potential that has already been realized. I think that Dictaphone Blues has a fairly marketable sound and I wouldn’t be surprised to find Edward picked up by a label in the near future. Whether or not I actually hear his music on a grander stage than his myspace page really depends on how said record deal works out. I do think he deserves to be heard though, so here’s hoping for some good luck and smart decisions!

Dictaphone Blue’s myspace Page
More songs, in an entire radio set (streaming)

If you have any recommendations, or would like your band featured, please leave us a comment or shoot us an email at Word.

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