
Dear Audio Overflow Reader,

I regret to inform you that Jill, our writer of four months and a huge help to me in the day-to-day happenings of Audio Overflow, has decided that it is time for her to move on from this crazy endeavor.  In her short time with the blog, Jill brought musical opinions from a completely different side of the music spectrum and helped to expand the coverage of music on Audio Overflow.
I am truly appreciative of her help and wish her the best of luck in the future.  Thanks for everything, Jill.
For the time being, I will not be seeking to fill the spot vacated by Jill and will be taking over the Moods Feature that she helmed.  As always, I’ll keep you posted on any other happenings in the near future.  Thanks for reading.
PS.  If you have any parting words for Jill, you can always leave a comment below.

2 Responses to “Farewell”

  1. Suj Says:

    Jill, thanks for all your great articles. I truly enjoyed your writing, opinions and musical selections. Will you be writing somewhere else or have you moved on to other projects?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for everything. It’s been a good run.

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