U.S. Radiohead Dates Officially Announced!

As promised, I have brought you a news story that I feel is pretty damn significant. Of course, if you’ve been refreshing Dead Air Space for the last few months, you already know what I’m about to tell you.

Pitchfork is reporting that Radiohead will indeed head out on tour in the next few months, and that Live Nation will be promoting what will undoubtedly be one of the most-hyped tours of the year! A full list of tour dates can be found by clicking the word, “expensive.”


Fortunately for me, Radiohead is coming to a venue that is all of 5 minutes from me, and is operated partially by the company I work for. How lucky is that? Here’s hoping I won’t have to shell out 60 some-odd dollars to see this one. I think I would’ve much preferred a “pay what you want” system for the tour, but I guess you can only milk that cow so often before you realize that she’s dry as a bone.

Tickets go on sale this Saturday, Februrary 16th. You can purchase them by clicking the phrase, “No really, they’re super expensive!”


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