The Top 31 of 2007 – #4

Cale’s Pick
Loney, Dear: Loney, Noir
Released: February 6, 2007
If there was ever an album that caught me entirely by surprise this year, it was Loney, Noir. Yet another one of those crazy Swedes who assault us with brilliant music, Emil Svanängen, or “Loney, Dear,” has created an album that is endlessly endearing. I have no recollection of how I first came to hear about Loney, Dear, or what drove me to download his debut album here in the states. But I did, and I was immediately blown away by what I heard. Emil’s voice is peculiar. At times it can sound confident, yet frail. His lyrics lead you to believe that the overriding characteristic is frailty. The album is unquestionably honest as well, filled with his self-doubt, feelings of insecurity, and declarations of love. You get the feeling that you’re reading his diary, or that he’s telling you his secrets through his music. How could you not fall in love with that? Quite simply, I couldn’t help but do so. I still slip in this album every now and then when I’m driving to work at 5:30am or on a long road trip and I realize that it has not worn on me at all. If anything, it’s gotten better. It has been passed over by a lot of folks this year, and for that I’d like to plead with you to give Loney, Noir a shot. It is one of the most beautiful albums to release in 2007, and one I’ll continue to listen to and enjoy for years.

For being Swedish, yet really really cool, Loney, Dear makes it to #4 on my list.

The Top 31 Songs of 2007 – #4
“In Our Bedroom After the War” by Stars, from the album, In Our Bedroom After the War.

Jill’s Pick
Tegan and Sara: The Con
Released: July 24, 2007
Up until now, I’d only liked parts of Tegan and Sara albums. In fact, “I Know, I Know, I Know” is in my top 10 list of my favorite songs of all times. Don’t even get me started on the simple brilliance that is “My Number”. But this is the first time I’ve listened to one of their albums and just liked it more and more the further into I got. They remind me of how Ani diFranco albums are, all so different from album to album, unafraid to try something…new. I spend so much time with this album in my ears I find something new to admire with every listen.

I’m just going to leave it with this: “Soil, Soil” makes me so happy I can’t express it. It’s me. I love when lyrics do that.
The best track: “Soil, Soil”
My favorite tracks:
–“The Con”
–“Soil, Soil”
–“Burn Your Life Down”
–“Back in Your Head”
–“Like O, Like H”

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