Go News Go! – The Weekly News Recap

I hope everyone in the United States had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For those of you who don’t celebrate the holiday, don’t worry. I ate enough to cover you!

If you have yet to vote in the Cale Awards, please do so. I need you. You complete me. Also, next week is the last full week of normal things around here. Starting December 1st, we’ll begin counting down the Top 31 Songs and Albums of 2007 every day for the whole month! I say “we” because a new writer will graciously be lending her talents to Audio Overflow soon. Her name is Jill, and hopefully she’ll be able to bring some new insights and opinions to the site. I would say “welcome her,” but you folks never leave comments anyways.

Look forward to a huge, monumental review next week and your normal features. The Top 31 Countdown begins a week from today!

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