Top 31 of 2006: #2

Zero 7: “The Garden”
Released: June 6, 2006

Read what I’m about to write. It’s important that you do. I absolutely, positively did not like Zero 7’s “The Garden” the first time that I listened to it. Not one bit. At that point, my only familiarity with the group was Sia Furler, whose album I had been digging for a few months, and that “In the Waiting Line” song from the Garden State soundtrack. That’s it. So I’m not sure what I was expecting, initially, but it must have been much different than what I actually heard. You see, when I first heard the album, I thought “That’s nice” and then set it aside. A few weeks later when I had nothing else to listen to, I put it in. Whoah! I was immediately enthralled by the elaborate compositions, Sia’s amazing voice, and some great lyrics. Not to mention Jose Gonzalez, who finally gives us a reason to know who he is. Honestly, I have not been able to find an album this year that is as flawless as this one, including my #1. There is simply nothing to hate about “The Garden.” Nothing. Perfect music and vocals. Never overboard. Never boring. It is, by far, the one album that everyone, and I mean everyone (my dad likes it), can enjoy from start to finish! If you haven’t heard it, I hate you! If you’ve heard it and you dislike it, give me your name, address, and most convenient time to pay you a visit. And then listen to it again! In my review for “The Garden” I stated, “If you don’t like Zero 7, you don’t like music!” I’m sticking with that.

For blowing me away…eventually, Zero 7 lands at #2.

Top 31 Songs of 2006: #2
Camera Obscura – “Lloyd, I’m Ready to be Heartbroken” from the album Let’s Get Out of this Country.

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