Top 31 of 2006: #6

My Brightest Diamond: “Bring Me the Workhorse”
Released: August 22, 2006

What is there to say about Shara Worden and My Brightest Diamond that I haven’t already said? Her voice is amazing. Her character is confusing. Her lyrics are somewhat strange, and I love everything about it! My Brightest Diamond is the best album to come from a female solo-artist this year! Bar none! Forget all the hype about K.T. What’s-her-name or Corinne Boring Rae, thier popularity and hype is pushed by a few million dollars and major record labels. My Brightest Diamond’s hype is centered around her talent and unique style of music. She gets it out there by touring endlessly, and perhaps leeching off of Sufjan Stevens a little too much. But still, this girl amazes me everytime I listen to her album, which is something I can’t say about those other two artists. With every listen, everytime you press play, you’ll discover something new to love about My Brightest Diamond. You’ll have a new favorite song every week! You’ll realize things you never realized before (like how an eerie amount of songs is about cute animals dying). And if all that isn’t enough, you’ll want to see her live (like I did), and it will amaze you to no end (just how does a 5’0″ girl sing like an opera fat lady?). Are you getting it? Do you understand? I’m telling to buy “Bring Me the Workhorse” without hesitation. It will change your life!

For making me believe in magic, My Brightest Diamond swoops into the #6 spot!

Top 31 Songs of 2006: #6
Sufjan Stevens – “No Man’s Land” from the album The Avalanche.

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