Top 31 of 2006: #10

Mates of State: “Bring It Back”
Released: March 21, 2006

“Bring It Back” was one of the first albums I ever reviewed, way back when Audio Overflow was still Cale is the Balls!!! As fate would have it, both Mates of State and myself remain the balls to this day! Of course, that’s no special feat for a guy like me, but for a band that’s one heck of an accomplishment! Back when it debuted, I hailed it as the first great album of 2006! As time passed, however, the undeniably catchy pop hooks of this duo began to wear a little thin on me. In fact, the only song from this album that I can still listen on repeat for hours is “Punchlines,” a song I didn’t even note as a Key Track when I reviewed it. So needless to say, a lot of things have changed since “Bring It Back” came out. But one thing is still certain; this is still a fantastic album. Any Mates of State fan who has yet to check it out isn’t really a fan, and anyone else who hasn’t heard it probably should be reading Rolling Stone, rather than Audio Overflow. Take my word for it (why wouldn’t you?), “Bring It Back” is the most accomplished Mates of State album to date, as well as the most complex. So add it to your collection, or at least download it. Sure, I’ve moved on to bigger and better things for the most part, but it wasn’t easy letting go of this one.

For staying adorable, Mates of State tip-toes their way into the top 10!

Top 31 Songs 2006: #10
The Decemberists – “Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then)” from the album The Crane Wife.

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