(Video Games) Nintendo DS Lite

I was an early-adopter of the Nintendo DS. I can remember the joy that flooded my heart as I walked out of that GameStop in Conroe with my newest toy. I can remember how cool I felt as I stuffed that beast into my back pocket, and I remember how quickly I put it up on Ebay. The original Nintendo DS was a cool system, but it looked ugly and it really didn’t make you feel cool. The new DS Lite, however, oozes cool and will undoubtedly make the system a must-buy for any Nintendo fan!

Whereas the old DS was silver and clunky, DS Lite is sleek, shiny, and iPod-y. Additionally, Nintendo has made some small changes to just make this system work a lot better. For example, the microphone, which used to be located on the bottom left corner of the gadget is now right in the middle. This helps in a game like Brain Age where you use the microphone. Now, you just hold it like you normall would and you don’t have to put your mouth in some weird location. Also, the power button which used to be located above the D-Pad is now located on the side of the unit. I can remember getting really far in a level in Mario 64 DS and then accidentally hitting that button and losing all my unsaved data…no more. Nintendo has also made the stylus a little fatter this time around, making it much easier to hold and enjoy.

Of course, none of this is new information to anyone who has been following this product since it’s announcement in early January (me). However, I was surprised at how small, sleek, and cool looking this product really is. Additionally, I was blown away by how many neat games are now on the system. I currently have Mario Kart DS, which is just awesome (especially on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connect), and Brain Age, which I can’t tear my family away from. Add in Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime Hunters, and New Super Mario Brothers and you literally have one of the most impressive handheld systems ever!

The DS Lite still does everything the original did, but the package is much more inviting this time around. I highly recommend it to any Nintendo fan and anyone debating on whether to get a DS Lite or a PSP. There is really no contest here.

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