(Live Music) Ashley Parker Angel

Am I a fan of Ashley Parker Angel? No. Was I before this concert? Not so much. I mean, his show was kinda cool, but that’s about it. Let me begin this review by explaining why I went to this concert which I was almost sure to hate.

I was at work. I won tickets.

There. That pretty much explains how this horrid night came into existence. So now with my thoughts.

Ashley Parker Angel has 3 stances: 1. The leg out, knee bent, foot tapping stance (complete with the index finger in the air), 2. The leg on amp while leaning over the edge of the stage to woo your 12-year-old fans, and 3. The backwards crucifix, which is essentially having your back towards the audience and your arms straight out to your side. Of course, as Ashley Parker Angel has discovered, the backwards crucifix is much more effective if it is performed to coincide with the final note of a song. Stance 1 happened twice, as did stance 3. Stance 2 happened about twice per song.

Now, Ashley Parker Angel can sing, but his music is just utterly cookie-cutter and unsurprising. Probably my favorite song of the night would have been “Apology,” but I found myself expecting a missed note when he comes to that one point in the song…you know, like he did in his show. It didn’t happen.

What did happen was 3 separate MySpace plugs and numerous album references (and even the acknowledgement that he was on MTV). If he would have done an encore, I would have left. Overall, the show felt like it was too produced and not at all spontaneous. It was manufactured. I felt as if his record company was grabbing me by the hair and having its way with me. Ugh. I feel so used.

2 out of 5 Stars

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