Archive for April, 2006

(Music) The Flaming Lips: "At War With The Mystics"

April 4, 2006

“At War with the Mystics” is the second great album of the year. If The Flaming Lips were Michelangelo, “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots” would be the statue of David and “At War with the Mystics” would be the Sistine Chapel. Simply put, The Flaming Lips have crafted their best, most solid, album to date.

The Flaming Lips have created their masterpiece.

The first listen through AWWTM is a journey from up tempo “Yeah Yeah Yeahs” to the slow, atmospheric songs that have made them famous, back to psychadelic-funk-Prince-ish songs, and then once more to the huge atmospheric productions. With the exception of “Free Radical,” there’s not really a song on the album that differs hugely from the types of music the Lips have made since 1999’s “The Soft Bulletin.” However, what The Flamings Lips do on this album is build on the formula that has risen them to the heights of rock stardom over their 21-year career.

Song for song, “At War with the Mystics” is the most solid Flaming Lips album I’ve ever heard. It starts of strong and it doesn’t let up….ever! Whereas “Yoshimi” hit’s its climax at about song 5 and then putters out, this album does so at about song 10 but manages to close the album out strong. The standout song on the album is without question “The W.A.N.D.” which blends an unquestionably rocking guitar riff with so many cool electronic vocal effects and solid drumming that you will be dancing in no time….or at the very least banging your head or tapping your foot.

Of course it would be foolish to overlook the obvious symbolism in the album regarding the War in Iraq and other modern issues, considering the title and all. And though the Lips come of strong at points with lines like “You think you’re radical, but you’re not so radical. In fact, you’re fanatical!” or “Everytime you state your case the more I’d like to punch your face in,” they still manage to shake off all their strong emotions with amazingly crafted music that will allow you to overlook their lyrical blunders and overstatements.

As I stated before, this album is pretty much flawless. I’ve listened to it about 10 times or so, and I still love it and find new things to love every time I pop it in the ol’ CD Player. I will be listening to this one for a very long time.

I strongly recommend this title to anyone who loves The Flaming Lips (especially the album “The Soft Bulletin”) or anyone who is tired of hearing Nickelback songs.

Key Tracks:
1. “Yeah Yeah Yeah Song”
2. “The Sound of Failure”
3. “The Wizard Turns On”
4. “Haven’t Got A Clue”
5. “The W.A.N.D.”

5 out of 5 Stars

(Music) Pink: "I’m Not Dead"

April 1, 2006

Pink’s new album “I’m Not Dead” is without a doubt her most accomplished album to date. To be honest, it quite possibly could be the best album to have released thus far in 2006. For serious! This album has it all. In addition to Pink’s soulful voice, you also get insightful lyrics, amazing melodies, and top-of-the line production and music.

If you’ve been watching MTV like I have, you know her first single “Stupid Girls” is funny because it’s true, and great because it rocks! But that song doesn’t even compare to great songs like “U + Ur Hand” or “Conversations with my 13 year old self.” Those songs contain both the heart and soul of Pink, a side we’ve all grown to embrace over the years. The album also features some great collaborations with the Indigo Girls and even Pink’s father, which I thought was a particularly touching moment. In fact, if you are going to listen to a song on the album, make it be that one (“I Have Seen the Rain”). It is beautiful.

The lowest point on the album is a song called “Dear Mr. President” which I’m sure you can all guess isn’t thanking President Bush for his tax cuts or Patriot Act. Though I don’t agree with the message, it is still a top notch song, much like Stars’ “He Lied About Death” or Bright Eyes’ “When The President Talks to God.” Needless to say, I love this album and it deserves to be listened to by everyone who isn’t deaf (because deaf people can’t hear). Do yourself a favor and buy it without listening to it. If there’s one review you can take me for my word at, it’s this one

Key Tracks:
1. Nobody Knows
2. U + Ur Hand
3. Runaway
4. I Have Seen the Rain

5 out of 5 Stars